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Jace was confined to a briefing room, much to his dismay, he wasn't allowed anywhere near the fake Jace. He had never been so frustrated before in all his time in the Navy. Someone had intruded into his life behind his back, stalked his family, and there was nothing he could do.

The door opened, and Jace looked and saw Amato.

"Gibbs told me to drive you to his place," said the former DSS agent. "How are you holding up? Your teams have been calling me, you haven't been answering your phone."

"How would they look at me? If I don't have my personal life under control how can they trust me as a second in command or as a team leader?"

"Jace, your whole life you've looked after the Teams," replied Amato. "But there are so many things you can't control, but you know what you can do? Adapt and overcome."

"Can't be a Team Guy if I'm a security risk."

"You? A security risk? The guy who says four words in a sentence on average."

The two laughed, Jace felt more certain now. He wasn't going to let a wannabe take the reigns over him.

The two were on their way out, Jace called Ziva to let her know she was on his way.

. . .

The imposter was named Daniel Bradley, former Navy Petty Officer Third Class, who worked in electrical engineering for six years before discharging less than honorably. He had enlisted under a SEAL contract but had washed out during the demolition phase and had been working as an engineer ever since. He applied to the Navy's enlisted commissioning program but did not meet the educational requirements. His last assignment was aboard an aircraft carrier that was stuck in port pending repairs, the ship had been damaged from an electrical explosion. The investigation led to a makeshift circuit breaker that had been put together by Bradley. He claimed that he was trying to show initiative, but forensics deducted that the design was functionally similar to the demolition devices used by SEALs.

Gibbs was observing DiNozzo and McGee interrogate the faker.

"How'd you get a hold of the details of Ex Lege?" asked DiNozzo.

"I don't know what that is," replied the perpetrator.

"The raid that eliminated Abbas Azza," chimed in McGee. "You've been running around D.C. telling war stories. That one included."

"You were never a SEAL, you stole the uniform from an old classmate of yours from BUD/S after he was killed in action," added DiNozzo. " The family said that you helped move Petty Officer Lyle's belongings into storage and that you had a spare key."

"Alright, I stole the uniform but I wasn't going to reveal anything big, I just wanted a few golden moments," answered the imposter. "I wasn't going to try to get any VA benefits or anything."

"You had to stalk the real deal's kids to do that?" asked DiNozzo.

"Some people knew the real guy had kids and asked me about them, I was trying to keep my story straight."

"You still didn't answer our first question," said McGee. "How'd you find out the identity of the SEAL who killed Azza?"

"A friend of mine leaked me the helmet cam footage of the raid, he referred to the shooter as 'Operator J'."

. . .

Jace, Captain Dawes, and Gibbs were in the briefing room discussing the outcome of the case. The team had arrested the analyst who leaked the details of the operation after they interrogated Bradley.

"So am I clear to operate?" asked Jace, wanting to put the suspense to a stop.

"NCIS and the DOD went over the information that was leaked," said Vance, pouring everyone drinks. "There was nothing to suggest that any operational security concerning you or your team was compromised."

"All in all, you're cleared for active duty, Senior Chief," said Dawes.

On his way out Jace ran into Ziva and the others.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you guys for all that you've done and for helping me keep my head cool."

Afterward, Ziva walked him out. In the elevator, she stopped between floors.

"You've been trapped inside this thing twice," said Jace, sensing a serious conversation. "You still think that's a good habit?"

"Jace," Ziva sighed, looking straight into his eyes. "Is there anything that you haven't told me about you, your therapy, or anything?"

"Ziva, I've never lied or tried to hide anything from you," Julian exhaled, feeling a tremendous amount of pressure in his chest. "But there have been times when I opted not to share things with you or my dad."


"I just felt like I had to push it down and leave it behind. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for," responded Ziva, holding him by the face. "Please just remember that you have people that are there for you."


. . .

3 months later

All members of Taskforce Arbiter were rallied together, they weren't aware of the details of the meeting, just that a top priority operation was about to come to action. Commanders Rorke and Webber entered with Grey and Rider at their heels.

"Gentlemen," started Webber. "I'm sure you're all wondering what exactly is the situation that warranted a meeting of this size."

"The Agency has been tracking down a WMD distributor, Baadal Sok," started Grey. "He's been supporting terror groups financially while running his criminal organization."

"He was last seen fleeing Venezuela," said Rider. "We've confirmed that he's hiding out in his home country, Cambodia."

"As you all know, the Cambodian government does not extradite to the U.S.," said Webber, wanting to get to the point. "And our government works to maintain diplomatic relations with Cambodia."

"Catching Sok is only the tip of the iceberg for this operation, we'll be targeting his new subordinate, Kosal Kan," said Rorke. "He's new to the WMD market, specializing in nuclear and biological weapons. Both these men have spent the past year getting Cambodian government officials in their pockets and have been confirmed to be responsible for the deaths of three U.N. officials."

"This is a four-month Omega class operation, getting caught means you won't be protected by JSOC or the CIA," stressed Grey. "You will effectively be renounced by the U.S."

"This is a volunteer mission, those of you who don't want to be part of this feel free to speak up and leave now," said Rorke.

No one said anything or got up to leave, they were all in.

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