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Jace and the team had been back for almost two months since they took down Saleem. Ever since then his reputation had skyrocketed across the Teams, he didn't mind as long as the code of silence was maintained and respected. He managed to spend more time with his daughters, however, he had concerns for Imogen. Her teachers had spoken to him about her cognitive abilities and social skills; she had appointments for a proper diagnosis. The school hadn't ruled out Asperger's Syndrome, Autism, or ADHD. As nervous as he was he wasn't going to let anything interfere or hinder his daughter's life.

He and the others had just been called in, they met with Lieutenant Commander Rorke, Chief Rider, and Officer Grey.

"Alright gentlemen," said Rorke. "Settle down, we've got a live one."

Chief Rider picked up a remote and the screen went live. It showed photos of a white, middle-aged man; one was from a police lineup, and the others seemed to be from his recent activities.

"This is Drew Connell," said Rider. "Former weapons smugglers for multiple British Firms. He was blacklisted from almost all of Europe after his clients discovered that he was embezzling from them."

"He was spotted dealing with militant groups in Afghanistan," picked up Grey. "Intel says that he and his right-hand man Mack Randell will be holding up an auction for a set of Stinger Missiles."

"We've confirmed that three militant leaders will be attending," said Rorke. "Each one will have at least four bodyguards, plus Connell's security team. Summing a total of eighteen armed combatants, plus the HVTs themselves."

"How many of us are going in?" asked Hall.

"We'll have a total of twenty-four operators on the scene," answered Rorke. " The meeting will take place in a small rural town near the border of Iran."

"The building where the meeting will take place in the center of town," pitched in Rider. "It's been abandoned since the Taliban ran through it in 2002."

Grey pulled up the schematics of the town, Jace saw three buildings that seemed promising for overwatch positions.

"Should we expect any patrols in the area?" asked Reese.

"No," said Grey. "When traveling Connell travels lightly and he wouldn't trust local hires."

They'd go in on Blackhawks four klicks from the objective, ruck in, and split into elements. One element would break into teams of two, each consisting of a sniper and a spotter. They'd each mount on the two buildings with the best overview of the target. The assaulters would surround the objective, one element would pull security while the remaining four hits the building.

Everyone left to get ready for departure, Jace's weapon cage had the standard set up: a suppressed HK 416 (D10RS) with EOTECH HHS II Holographic Hybrid Sight - EXPS2-2 with G33 Magnifier, foregrip, AN/PEQ-2 IR designator, and Crane stock. Occasionally, he carried one with a 14.5-inch barrel and scope for when he served as the Designated Marksman. It also held a Sig Sauer P226 MK25, a Heckler & Koch MP7A1 with a 30-round magazine, sound suppressor, & red dot sight, an Mk12 Special Purpose Rifle, and an Mk 11 Mod 0. For this operation, he picked out the Mk12, and his P226.

He looked behind him and saw Special Warfare Operator Second Class Marcus Cooper, one of the younger team members who came in after Jace and Reese, outside his cage. Cooper occasionally served as one of the other designated marksmen in the troop. He was armed with an MK14 Mod 1 rifle.

"Chief, you got a minute?"

"What do you need?"

"Some of the guys want to know if we should expect to see NCIS during the Op."

This was a reoccurring thing with new guys, ever since the S&S Taskforce the younger SEALs were anxious, worrying that Jace's presence meant NCIS's involvement.

"No," said Jace. "If they were involved everyone would know, don't worry about them."

"It's just that last time we dealt with an HVT—"

"Cooper, NCIS only gets involved in an op if there were special circumstances," said Hall coming up from behind.

With that, the younger Sailor moved on. Hall approached Julian, sizing up the latter's skills as a sniper and as a corpsman.

"I was half expecting you to volunteer for the assault team," said Hall. "Given your new record."

"I was just doing what I had to," replied Jace.

"You took down two HVTs in one year," replied the senior operator. "With your bare hands."

"And now I'm going back to my roots."

"I'm just saying, after all, we could use another corpsman."

Jace only chuckled.

. . .

At the top of the building north of the objective building, he focused on the guards by the window.

"Echo-One to Overwatch, prepare to engage on my mark, over."

Once they got the signal the snipers engaged the guards standing by the windows and the assaulters threw crash grenades inside before breaching the door. Jace watched as his comrades tore through the enemy combatants. Minutes later the assaulters walked out escorting multiple detainees. The sniper teams dismounted from their posts and regrouped with the others.

Once they reached the rally point Hall called for the extract, and they set security as they waited. Jace examined everything within his line of sight, he noticed a flash of light. He signaled for everyone to get low, they waited until the helicopters were within sight. The first Blackhawk began to land, suddenly the team came under fire.

The first shot took down Connell, the SEAL next to him collapsed, shot in the shoulder, as well. Two other operators tended to him, everyone returned fire in the direction of the shot. They radioed it in as Jace finally got sight of the shooter, and he took his shot. The assailants stopped firing, giving the team an opening to escape.

The injured operator was still alive and stable, but they lost two of the four detainees.

On the way out Jace looked to Hall, who returned his gaze.

They had to investigate this.

Bound by Blood, Forged in FireWhere stories live. Discover now