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The team was going to kill both Kan and Sok before they could start their operations, the SEALs were going to ambush the latter in the morning on his way to a meeting with a politician he had in his organization's pocket, making it look like a case of drug-running gone ugly. Usually, they wouldn't operate with such little planning, especially with their deadline, but the stakes were too high. The Agency and State Department were running as much interference as possible, giving them an extra two days.

Jace readied his MP5 and Rhodes did the same. Rider and Grey gave them the green light, the target vehicles were coming up now. The others boxed them in from three sides, Jace and Rhodes went in from the front on a motorcycle. They immediately opened fire, dividing their concentration between both SUVs.

Completely trapped the guards retaliated only to be gunned down, Rhodes moved in,  Jace on his six. The Black Squadron leader removed his backpack, chucking it underneath the target vehicle. He signaled for the others to EXFIL, and the vehicle exploded. Jace and Rhodes made their way out.

 Jace and Rhodes made their way out

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. . .

The MCR Team was in Vance's office with the SCIF on, Dawes had explained the nature of Task Force Arbiter's current situation. Their mission was pertinent to the investigation.

"How long until you can get them out?" asked Ziva.

"The CIA is arranging for that," replied Dawes. "The Maritime Branch will extract them in twenty-two hours."

"They're continuing the Op?" asked Gibbs.

"I have no idea, contact is minimal, and the Agency cut off all communications once State made their inquiries."

"Captain, I don't mean to be ungrateful, but why exactly are you telling us this?" asked Vance. "This isn't exactly following JSOC protocol."

The naval officer handed Vance a folder. In it was a photo of a man carrying a duffle.

"We received chatter that one of Sok's lieutenants is here in D.C."

. . .

Jace was perched on the rooftop of the building adjacent to Kan's private lab, he was on his way to secure his lab. After hearing about his boss' death he had to destroy any incriminating evidence and anything that he didn't want the authorities to find, he was coming in a single-six-seat vehicle, them plus four bodyguards and four-man security detail in a second SUV. Once the targets were eliminated, Rockwell and Brennan will have five minutes to plant the explosives and get out.

Rhodes was on the neighboring rooftop, two other snipers were in the buildings next to the target building conducting overwatch. The rest of the task group was on the ground, keeping watch for their target and potential threats from the streets.

"Echo-One to November-One, the target is inbound, over."

"Good copy, Echo-One. Standing by, over."

Bound by Blood, Forged in FireWhere stories live. Discover now