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Coelho was just an average farmer he tended the fields, killing off any pests he saw with a snap of his jaws. He was currently growing carrots and tomatoes since the locals had a pattern they were likely to be requesting tomatoes in a few weeks and carrots in a moon or two. The rusty red animal shook his head with a huff. Not much to do except search for any disease to clear. So far nothing. He dug his claws into the soft earth giving a little sigh of relief. The ground was cool and felt nice against his sore paw pads. He lifted his head sniffing the air, the rain had caused a nice earthy scent to fill the air. He couldn't help but let it fill his soul with a sense of calm. He looked around his blue eyes flashed with boredom. He turned he finished this row time to do the next. His fur lay flat as he calmly smelled the earthy scent. But a new scent made his fur prickle with uneasy. Turning he looked at the town his eyes widen. Somehow within a few seconds a fire broke out. His legs were stuck he wanted to run away but against his conscience thought he began running to the town. His tail low as he looked around. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Right in front of him a beast in broad daylight. Attacking the town, he backed away turning he saw a Harberster a young one at that. His eyes went wide "are you okay?" He asked. He approached beginning to try and lead the Harberster away. "I didn't know harpy village had a Harberster. Are you visiting it usually isn't like this" he said quietly. The other looked at him "what's your name?" The Harberster asked. Coelho narrowed his eyes confused. He shook his head "Coelho now let's get yo-" he was cut off as he was pinned to the ground by the Harberster who was now snarling "You know Coelho I am visiting with Alface over there" he motioned to the rampaging beast. He narrowed his pupil less eyes "now don't think just because I'm a Harberster means I need to be protected" he muttered "judging by your paws and overall scent I'd say you're a farmer? Wouldn't be appropriate for me to call you a cowboy going to the rodeo now would it?" He hissed. Coelho snarled pushing the other off him "The fuck is wrong with you kid?" He questioned his voiced raised gaining the beasts attention. Alface snarled snatching Coelho by the neck. Repolho sat up coughing a bit "don't call me kid, bastard!" He snarled before clawing out Coelho's throat. Coelho squirmed out of Alface's jaws gasping for breath he stepped swaying a bit look back his ears pinned in anger. In a weak voice almost inaudible he hissed "you will pay for this!" But that's all he could do before he stumbled and fell now empty.

He stood weightless a searing pain in his throat and a burning hatred in his heart. Looking around at the carnage he felt as if he was being pulled away. He hissed ignoring the feeling sitting he stared at the now lifeless village. He looked around the two killers were gone. How long had he been out? He blinked his eyes cloudy with hate soon turning his once bright emerald eyes black. His fur now a dark green and the claw marks now oozing green blood his ears were pinned back. He snarled standing looking at the suns "you said the day was safe!" He howled with rage. Nothing answered his anger. He sat back down collapsing to a crouch he lay there for what felt like only a few hours but turned out to be days.

A large cat approached cautiously seeing the dead bodies she sniffed the air no sign of danger. Just rot. She looked back at her companion motioning him to follow. She saw rusty red fur around it sticky and dried blood. She looked just beyond the body to the green fur laying on the ground. "Hello?" She asked lightly knowing the other might not hear her. Coelho's body stiffened. The pull to leave was much stronger now. He sat up turning to look at the voice. "What do you want?!" He snapped. Elizabeth saw his throat swallowing she opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by her companion. The other spoke calmly "you're dead..." his eyes were soft with care. He approached slowly. Coelho stood snarling "no I'm not I'm only wounded!" Elizabeth and her companion were shocked. She had learned that through her days traveling she couldn't feel any pain aside from her death wound. She reached a paw out, claws extended striking at the others ear. "If you were you would have felt that". Coelho snarled backing away "or you missed!" He looked at the other the one who said he was dead he reached out. "Look I'm not dea-" he stopped as his paw passed through the others form. He backed up passing through his body lying on the ground he looked down his eyes wide. "Oh great radiance!" He said with fear. The other two looked at the suns then to him. "What happened?" Elizabeth asked her voice calm. Coelho looked at her "the village was attacked by a beast and Harberster during broad daylight." He shook his head "I wanted to run away but instead I ran here. I tried helping the Harberster but... he killed me." He stated coldly.

931 words! So anyone ready for who this unnamed character is?! I sure am!

Deadly Farriswheel out!

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