Run boy run

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Elizabeth looked at the two a shiver running down her spine. Looking behind her she saw Abigail approaching. Her fur pricked now standing on end "Moshi run!" She meowed loudly panic obvious in her voice.

Coelho stood up looking at the cat approaching. "It's just a cat" he murmured to Elizabeth. Elizabeth hissed "don't you think I know that?!" She glared at Coelho "that's my murderer! She gutted me" Moshi's ears perked up slightly.

Abigail stopped spotting Moshi "you look like you've seen a ghost" she says soft and sweet. Moshi cleared his throat shaking his head "I- I uh went to a haunted town... I'm a medium" he said quietly hoping she'd believe him.

Abigail stepped closer "A medium you say? Mind if I ask you a few questions?" She inquired. Moshi shook his head "I'm so sorry but I'm running late I have to report back to my boss... he doesn't take any excuses" he muttered submissively, his "boss" was made up, the fear was not. He pictured his demon as his boss hoping the fear would be convincing.

Abigail nodded "I could join you?" She offered. Moshi shook his head again. "I prefer to be alone" he said avoiding the others eyes. Abigail stared her pupils turning to slits "hmm is that so?" Her claws now extended. Elizabeth hissed "she's going to kill you!" Moshi stood quickly dodging Abigail's claws. He hissed lightly "what are you doing?!" Abigail smiled a toothy smile "Just getting you closer to the spirits!" Moshi backed up before quickly turning running away the two ghosts following him.

Coelho shouted "we can't go this way!" Elizabeth looked at him "why not?" Coelho quickly responded "this is the way the other murderer and his beast went!" Elizabeth looked at him "really? A beast?!" Her voice was shrill with panic.

Moshi shook his head eyes filling with tears "Just shut up! Please please stop talking" he shouted turning quickly he continued running. His head was swirling with thoughts 'why are there 2 murderers out? Are they working together? How many have they killed? Why are their victim's ghosts following me?' He panted, chest heaving, slowing to a stop he couldn't help but empty his stomach. He felt dizzy and overwhelmed. Moshi blinked looking around he didn't recognize the place and he couldn't see the suns. His body shook he was vulnerable to the demon here. He turned looking around he couldn't see anything. It was all black. Black and empty.

Elizabeth stood over Moshi "he passed out!" She whisper yelled to Coelho. The other snarled "don't you think I see that!" They stared at the shaking being on the ground. Elizabeth sighed looking around she couldn't see the suns meaning the demon that Moshi had told her about could come and possess him. Coelho looked at Elizabeth growling "why are you still panicking? We're far enough away from the killers to be safe for now!" He almost seemed happy. Almost. Elizabeth looked at him "Moshi ha-" but she was quickly interrupted by Coelho "Who?" Elizabeth growled annoyed "him who else would I be talking about right now?!" She was motioning to the white furred animal in front of her. In this forest he stood out like a sore thumb. Yes his ears tail and legs faded to black but he was mostly white. Coelho nodded. Elizabeth sighed continuing "he has a demon following him" Coelho looked at her wide eyed. "Are you sure?!" He whispered. Elizabeth nodded looking around. "The demon is known as Marcel. They possess their victims and cause hallucinations" Coelho laughed nervously. Slowly Moshi sat up his eyes closed and his breathing shaky. Elizabeth looked at him worry filling her eyes. The 6 eyes slowly opened revealing one was no longer white. "Don't you know it's best not to call a demon by it's name?" The entity spoke. The voice was low menacing yet only a whisper. Elizabeth swallowed hard.

Coelho snarled "you idiot!" He turned to Elizabeth "you have to fix this" Elizabeth nodded she studied demons a bit not much though. One thing she knew about all demons was the twin suns aka the eyes of the god immortal radiance could make any demon quake with fear. Elizabeth looked at Moshi. "S-some demon you are possessing a helpless animal!" Coelho looked at her shocked. "You can't be serious!" Elizabeth looked at him "just follow my lead!" she said turning and dodging a blow from the possessed Moshi. Another thing she knew is that a demon can link the world's of the living and dead. Meaning a demon in a living body CAN and most likely WILL kill a spirit. Coelho followed along hissing insults with Elizabeth following her. The three bodies were running now.

Elizabeth looked ahead "demons are fowl beasts who shouldn't exist!" she hissed. Marcel quickly spat back "I keep this world balanced!" Elizabeth stepped out of the forest stopping a few feet out of its edges. Coelho hissed "Why did you stop?!" he hid behind her as she stood glaring at the demon approaching. Marcel quickly pounced tumbling with Elizabeth. But quickly he threw himself from his host hiding back in the shadows with an earth shaking hiss. Elizabeth smiled victoriously "haha we did it!" Coelho shivered his fear lowering as he watched the demon pace back in forth in the shadows. He turned to Elizabeth "how did you do that?!" Elizabeth smiled softly at her companion "demons don't like her eyes" she said smoothly looking at the sky it was late afternoon.

Moshi groaned coughing a bit. Looking around he spat out a bit of blood. "What happened?" He rubbed his eyes confused. His head felt like an axe was being driven into it. Elizabeth smiled at her friend "The demon possessed you but we got you to the suns!" Coelho huffed "no thanks to this cat the demon only came because she said it's name!" Elizabeth looked away sheepishly. Moshi sighed "I guess I forgot to tell you about that" he stood up looking at the sky. "We have to follow the suns" he said tiredly. Elizabeth and Coelho nodded following him as he began walking.

1031 words!!!!!

So Moshi coughs up blood after possession I wonder what the demon is trying to do. Maybe kill him? Guess you'll have to find out more about our good protagonist.

Deadly Farriswheel out!

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