Abigail catches her prey

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Moshi had been on the move since he woke up luckily there were no more episodes of possession. He yawned he hated sleeping in daylight but it was the only way to stay safe at this point. He sat down shaking his fur out before beginning to groom himself starting at his shoulders going down to his legs.

Elizabeth sighed she could only feel Abigail approaching within a few feet. Which sounds good, but she could pounce and she can't sense the dog. Shaking her head she looked around. Something looked wrong. The sky seemed dimmer. She looked up seeing the moon covering the high sun. She looked around she knew off a group of animals that could move the stars but the ones who moved the moon were said to be extinct.

Coelho looked at the sky his fur pricking. "What's happening why is the moon moving so fast?" He questioned to no-one in particular. Elizabeth looked at him "there are very few animals who can move celestial bodies seems one isn't happy" she suggested.

Moshi shrugged "as long as the lower sun is visible we're safe from the demon" he muttered. Not once did he look up from his cleaning. Coelho nodded calmly laying down with a yawn.

Abigail had been tracking Moshi quickly learning that he somehow knew she was close but not Tituba. She sent Tituba close to make sure he was alone and not moving. Tituba came back nodding huffing as she held the moon in place. She was the last of the moon clan. The ones who could move the moon. The problem with this is the moon wants to move to its original location. So she clenched her jaws holding it still.

Tituba looked at the cat who had demanded she hold the moon over the sun. Supposedly it was punishment for not telling her sooner that she could move the moon. She shook her head holding on tightly with a light growl.

Abigail looked ahead spotting the white fur of Moshi. She began running jumping quickly she pounced landing and tumbling with the male. She used her surprise attack to pin him. Smiling sweetly she snarled "thought you could escape me?" She questioned. She looked down at him claws extending digging into him drawing a bit of blood.

Alface raised their head looking around huffing. Repolho smiled looking at the beast. "Let's go pay sister a visit shall we?" He said.

The two ghosts were panicking as Moshi hissed struggling. Moshi looked at Abigail frightened "I-I didn't d-do any-thing to you!" He howled in pain as her claws raked his shoulder drawing blood. He shoved her off back arched as he faced her shoulder bleeding heavily. His breathing was quick as his eyes stared at her.

Abigail snarled "ah but I can't let you see my face and survive now can I?" She ran at him teeth bared. Usually she would have Tituba do this but Tituba was busy.

Moshi tumbled with Abigail his wound getting gravel in it. He hissed in pain his shoulder now weak. He looked at her his white fur now a patchy mess.

Alface roared gaining everyone's attention. Moshi stiffened with fear as he saw the beast approaching. Abigail smiled pouncing on Moshi again. She had him pinned there was no escape from her claws. She raised her paw up claws extended smiling with pride as she swung.

577 words another short chapter but eh what can I say.

Hopefully Moshi can escape this terrible fate. Either way why aren't the pawns attacking? Do they know this odd creature?

Deadly Farriswheel out!

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