Abigail and Repolho

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Abigail mewed softly to her mother, who gently licked her forehead. She nudged the young kit to her soft stomach where she began to nurse. Ruby, a round small short haired brown tabby, looked at her delicate calico kitten, then her best friend and mate Fox. Fox was larger then her being close to the size of a fox, though that was the only visual similarities between her and her namesake. Fox had rather short fur with a dark green blue hue with a turquoise mask marking her face, highlighting her wonderful pupilless red eyes.
Fox licked  her mate's nose purring softly "Quit staring Ruby you don't like it when I stare at you." Ruby giggled with a small cute snort "Yes but I like seeing you" she purred. Fox rolled her eyes at the cat, she knew her species was rare but not that rare. She was a Harberster a cat like entity with green and blue fur.
Repolho stretched his fur was a much lighter green edging on yellow. He soon crawled to his mother's paws resting on them. Fox smiled sighing a bit at her son. He hadn't opened up his eyes yet and both kits wouldn't in 4 days.
Just as Fox was going to sleep she saw Ruby getting up, lifting her tail she allowed Abigail to be placed with Repolho. Ruby smiled whispering "I'll be back I just need to stretch." Fox nodded slightly laying her tail back down.
Ruby looked around before leaving she sniffed the air sensing the beast that ruled the land were not near. Thoughts of the large aggressive eyeless beast flooded her mind. She had to protect her kits from them and teach them to fight.

Several days past as the sun rose dew littered the grass in droplets soon being thrown away as two kits raced past. This was the first time Repolho and Abigail were allowed out of the bush den. Laughing and tumbling around as they tackled each other over and over. Ruby sat next to Fox setting a rabbit down for her, a soft smile gracing her lips as their tails intertwined. Fox smiled back leaning down to eat but still trying to keep an eye on the kits. Ruby smiled nudging her "Relax I'll watch them. Besides the others only come out at night." Fox sighed nodding "You're right as always, but I can't shake this feeling something bad is going to happen"
Abigail purred happily jumping from Repolho and running to her mothers rubbing against Ruby. She sniffed at the rabbit and licked it a bit scrunching her nose. Ruby giggled licking her cheek before looking up to see Repolho chasing a cricket. Sighing she mewed softly to the kit "Don't wonder off to far stay within the shorter grass." The kit looked over to her nodding and running back over tackling his sister.

The nights monsters were loud and close to the bush den the noise keeping the kits awake. Ruby held them close trying to keep them calm; though they weren't scared in fact they wanted to fight off the beasts. Fox shook her head at the two "I already told you they are dangerous even for me. I don't want them to harm a single hair on your heads." Abigail and Repolho huffed looking at her before snuggling into Ruby's fur to sleep.
Fox sighed "Of course I'm the bad guy." she mumbled. Ruby shook her head "You know that's not true dear they're just exhausted and disappointed. It's not your fault the beasts have come near." Fox nodded nuzzling her soon laying down wrapping her tail over most of Ruby, hiding the family.

Morning arose bringing the energetic kits with it. Ruby stretched nudging Fox "Your turn to hunt, dear." Abigail looked up at Fox as she exited the den. Nudging Repolho both kits rubbed against her legs in apology. Fox smiled at them licking their heads before leaving to hunt.

The night crept up on the family. It had been a few months and Abigail and Repolho were almost full grown. A loud shriek came from where Fox had gone off to. Ruby stiffened slightly looking around before licking the two's cheeks "Stay here sweethearts, if anything happens get to the den. If anyone comes that's not Fox or I fight them." there was obvious worry in her voice. She turned leaving to find Fox.
Abigail looked at her mother then to Repolho. Repolho seemed angry a tilt of Abigail's head set him off. "It was YOUR mother's turn to hunt now MY mother may be hurt or worse!" he hissed. Abigail's confused look had been reasonable as his separation of who's mother it was had never been brought up, they were both their mothers. Repolho crouched at the entrance "If my mother cries I go," he paused "if it's your mother we go." Abigail tilted her head "What why would I stay back Fox is my mother too?" Repolho turned sneering "If your mother gets my mother killed I'd rather not be tied to her." he hissed. Abigail's heart sank but she nodded slightly crouching by him, causing the male to scoot away with a hiss.
Soon a shrill screech from Ruby was heard, Abigail sprung up beginning to run both knew the basics of fighting so maybe they could help. Abigail found her mother realizing why she's crying out as she sees her nuzzling up to Fox's dead body whimpering. Hearing a twig snap caused the distraught Ruby to look at the kits. Repolho growled lowly running at Ruby but Abigail stepped in the way the two began to fight.
Ruby looked on in horror wondering why the two were fighting. Abigail pinned Repolho growling "Mama run! He thinks you killed her!" Ruby sniffled looking at her mate before grabbing Abigail and running. Repolho hissed "Coward, you cowards! Fox would have never run from a fight!" He snarled slightly before turning and looking at his mother. A strange beast seemed to tie his soul to another as well as tying his soul to Abigail. Abigail saw the same beast the string from Repolho being tied to her soul, and another string being tied to a beast of the world. Little did the 4 creatures know but this was the start for the fight of their lives. Many things would be explained but not until the pawns met their match.

1059 words excluding this. This is basically a backstory for my characters Repolho, Abigail, Tituba, and Alface and their murders and raids. These have been thought out for a while I don't care if no one reads I just need to write this down.

Ps I go by Deadly Farriswheel but wattpad denied me so with that. Btw everything is written out but I'll be doing a weekly publishing that way I can buy more time for something else. There are 13 chapters and 1 bonus chapter (information)

Deadly Farriswheel out.

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