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Amelia pov

"Come . . . to me. . . . Let me rip you. . . . Let me tear you. . . . Let me kill . . . ."

I jumped and a large lilac blot appeared on Veronica Smethley's parchment.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

"I know!" said Lockhart. "Six solid months at the top of the best-seller list! Broke all records!"

He looked at me, "you look like you're getting a little drowsy? Great Scott — look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! I'd never have believed it — the time's flown, hasn't it?"

I nodded and left. I put my ear against the wall, trying to follow the voice. I leaned off after the voice faded, I'm going bonkers. I then heard two voices I heard everyday.


I turned around immediately. I saw two identical gingers. I sighed.

"Did you hear it?" I asked them.

"Hear what?"George Weasley asked.

"Never mind. What do you need?"

"We want you to spy on the slytherins!"Fred told me.

"Um. . .okay?" I said confused.

"Great, we hate to ask but get close to Malfoy. He will tell you anything."George said. "We need to figure out Slytherins quidditch plans."

"Alright. . ."

Draco pov
I had just finished quidditch practice,I was walking through the halls when I saw Amelia, who was leaning against a wall in muggle clothes. She had a black zip up on and some jean trousers I think they call it?

She noticed me and approached me,"hey!"

"Hey."I said.

"Are you okay?"she asked.

"I'm tired."I answered. "what do you want?"

she says with a straight face, "to be friends."

I raised my eyebrows,"why should I be friends with you."

"Because I'm nice." She smiled.

"No you aren't." I told her.

" Shut it, Malfoy."she said crossing her arms.

"If you say my first name, I will be your friend."I said.

"Draco." she said.

"No, in a nice voice, the way you would talk to your friends like weasel, the mudblood and scarhead."

"Don't call them that, Draco."she said.

"Hm. . .no, be more nicer."I said.

I could tell she was getting more angry.


"Again." I said, smiling



She looked at my eyes,"Draco."

What else could I make her homework?no. I could make her ask me on a date, actually she would probably bring me to a grave.

I could make her tell people were dating..that's a good idea. it would definitely ruin her friendship with her friends, for good. I could also make her jump in the lake..which one?

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚜 (second year) Where stories live. Discover now