Markiplier:Reader Café Cliche

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{{{Every good story has a cafe cliche in it. I mean, really. But this one has a slight twist. What if Mark was there for someone else? Enjoy.}}}

Mark's pov

I sat down at the table, a smile plastered to my goofy dumb face. I know I was probably acting stupid, but today was the day I was going to meet my internet friend, Shelly. I wanted to ask her out, but I decided that doing that in person was a better choice.

It had been only thirty minutes after our meeting time that I thought she wasn't going to show up. The the ought nagged at the crack of my mind. A girl walked into the coffee shop and asked to sit at my table. It wasn't Shelly, but I figured the girl could sit there until Shelly actually arrived.

"Sure. Take a seat," I said, responding to the question. "I'm Mark. What's your name?"

"Y/N," she replied. She was really beautiful.

"That's a nice name, Y/N."

Just then, a woman with horribly cut brown hair and huge framed glasses walked in. She had bad teeth and really tacky clothes. She walked over to the table.

"Hey. I'm Shelly. Are you Mark?" She asked. Her voice was like a dying cat crossed with a gerbil with a golf ball stuck up its butt.

"No, I think you must have me mistaken for someone else," I replied.

"Oh sorry to disturb you, mr," she said and walked off to a table pretty far away. I sighed.

"Why did you lie to her?" Y/N asked, causing me to jump a bit at the question.

"Well, I was talking to her online and wanted to ask her out but she is so... so ugly and different than her picture," I replied. "I didn't want to be a dick, so I am lying to get her away."

"That's not nice," Y/N said.

"Please understand. I don't want to talk to her!"

"Hey I'm just kidding," she said. I laughed uncomfortably.

There was a moment in which I realized something: I had absolutly no idea what to do. I could either talk to Y/N more or I could leave and never look back. I decided on the more logical of the two choices.

"So, Y/N. What do you do in your spare time?"

We talked for maybe an hour. I found out that we had a ton if things in common and after a while, I realized that I loved her.

It's weird. I wouldn't ever think I could really fall in love with someone so quickly, but she was so perfect. Everything about her was so... I don't know how to describe it. It was Y/N.

"Well, I came here to ask someone out, so it would be a pity if I didn't do that," I said. Y/N looked confused.

"But I thought you said you didn't like Shelly," she said. I smiled.

"Y/N, will you go out on a date with me?" I asked. She smiled as well.

"Mark, I think we already did!"

The end.

{{{any suggestions? Submit ideas! Also, if you guys want, I want you to vote on the next chapter. The options are as follows:
1. Dark:Dark Reader, bell tower at midnight. Already dating. Romantic fluff.
2. Sexiplier:Warfstache, meet and have a weird off. There might be a weirdness rap involved. Do you want a rap battle?

You guys choose! Say 1 or 2 in the comments!}}}

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