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If you haven't already, please please PLEASE go check out my new masterpiece, Project Infinitum!!

Saturday night is the universal "I'm gonna go party till the cops look like bunnies" night. People go out, do stuff that is absolutly devistating to their health, and then wake up wishing their bed was a coffin because, let's face it, that would be more comfortable.

But Saturday night for you and Mark... Extremely different.

"NOOOOO!!" You screamed for the seventh time in one measly Smash Bros battle as Mark delivered the final blow, blasting you into the deepest pits of the multiverse.

"You suck at this game!" Mark shouted, sticking his tongue out at you.

"YOUR MOM SUCKS!" You shouted back, childishly. Mark shook his head.

"Do you want a re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-match?" He asked.


You cued the game back up. Mark selected (insert least favourite character here). You sighed. No way you were losing to that swine. You selected (fav character) and started the game.

Blow after blow was delivered until player one was announced the winner. Aaaaaand you were player two.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" You shouted, throwing the remote at your boyfriend. He flinched as it collided with his elbow.

"Ouch..." He mumbled. "I'm sorry I'm so good at this game, Y/N."

"You aren't good. I'm just not in the zone. That's all."

A crash from the kitchen snapped you both out of your joyous and enraged states as you rotated to face the fridge.

Dark was standing there with the fridge tipped over on it's side. He looked shocked and scared, simply staring at all the food that was spilled on the ground.

"What the hell?" Mark asked, holding back a laugh. He stood up, walking to the astonished demon.

"I... I wanted the meatloaf!" Dark shouted. Meatloaf was now scattered across the floor.

"How did you manage to tip the whole goddamn thing over?!" You shouted, rushing over to him and forgetting about your countless losses in the game now behind you.

Dark remained silent. He was embarassed. He didn't want to tell the others that he was trying to use magic to move the fridge to his bedroom, so he tried to cover it up.

"I was... Uh... I bumped it," he lied. You shook your head.

"Were you using magic again?" Mark asked. He sounded like a mother questioning her child about stealing a cookie. Dark stayed quiet.

"He totally was!" You shouted, letting a laugh escape your lips. Dark's grey skin started turning red as he pursed his lips together.

"What the fuck, Dark? Why were you using magic on the fridge?" Mark inquired, also laughing. Dark was embarassed beyond words.

Finally, after a couple minutes of taunting by the two lovers in the room, Dark screeched like the demon he was, his eyes turning bright red as another set appeared on his forehead. He bared his fangs and screeched again, storming out of the room.

"I'M A DEMON! I DON'T NEED TO ANSWER THESE FOOLISH QUESTIONS!" He shouted. You and Mark laughed again. 

"He's such a child," you said, shaking your head.

Mark knew what he was about to say was going to earn him some pain, so he started backing up, breaking into a run as the words fell out of his mouth.


"I WILL CUT YOU, MARK!" You shouted, running off after him.

Sorry if this wasn't too good... I've been really working on my Avengers texts story almost as hard as Project Infiniutm. Trust me when I tell you that it's all I really care about writing. You'll love it I promise. Please spread the word about it. I've worked on the plot for years and finally perfected it. Alright. Sorry guys. Shameless self promotion lives here.

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