--Mark:Reader~A Short Adventure--

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A shorter chapter with the intention of giving you some damn important life advice. Plus, an adventure set-up. You'll see later. Please enjoy. I put all my heart into these chapters. Have fun! :)

Sometimes, the world is a scary place. In fact, it almost always is. Kids have it lucky, you know. Doing whatever they want, not having to worry about anything. The world is full of wars, poverty, famine, rape, murder, death, despair, everything bad. That's just some of it. But a child... A child is the image of purity. They sit on the rocks by the pond and talk about how they know a unicorn named Kevin. A child doesn't worry about the problems they may have to face. A lot of problems are caused because everyone has forgotten what being a child was like. They lost the purity. It's tragic.

A child tells her mother about Kevin the unicorn and the mother says it's the child's imagination. The mother tells the little girl that unicorns aren't real and that toy trucks are for boys and that little girls like pink. The mom doesn't remember what being a child is made of. She doesn't understand her daughter at all. The daughter thinks nothing of this.

This girl grows up not believing in magic. She sees the real world and is transfixed to it. When she finds herself staring at another girl's butt at the age of 14, she tells herself that it's not normal. The girl grows up believing what the mother said about boys being mean when they like her. This leads her to numerous abusive relationships that the girl thinks is completely normal. And not just normal, but ok. The girl is stressed about the world around her because she understands death and how pointless life is. She doesn't see the magic of it because he mother deprived her of that.

At 27 years old, she commits suicide. The mother doesn't know where she went wrong. She never understood the daughter.

On the other side of the county, around the time of the Kevin incident, a father and his son sit on the living room floor playing with Legos. The father smiles at his son and tells him that tiny people live in the Lego houses they build when the family goes to sleep. The dad listens to his son's stories and tells him his own stories of magic. The boy grows to the age of ten playing with barbies and transformers. The boy picks flowers and like to squish ants. The boy believes his dad is a king and that he himself is a prince. The dad lets his son believe in everything. Santa, the Easter bunny, leprechauns.

The dad knows his son will outgrow this stuff, but he also knows that his son needs to believe in things for a long time. And this boy grows to be a wonderful young optimist. He gets a good job, but isn't scared of the world around him. He doesn't fear death because being scared doesn't make it go away. This man knows what's up.

Children are precious. I, your author, actually doesn't really like kids, but I also love them for the same reasons. I hate their ignorance, but that ignorance is also an imagination that they need later in life. I can't fear death because it'll happen some day. What does fear do to prevent it? Let's just embrace life. Let's allow children the chance to be children.

Now, these analogies are extremely exaggerated. This is extreme because I just want to convey those points. Now, I do have a story for you. That was an introduction to convey some set up for you. But please remember these things anyway.

I plan on this being a multiple part short story. I'm going to write segments. At the end of each segment, I will give you options as to what you want to have happen next. After one or two days, I'll write another part based on the feedback. This will hopefully continue until you're tired of it and want me to end the story. Please participate. I won't actually be able to do this without you're assistance.

So let's get started!

You're POV:

I stared at the trees surrounding us. Mark and I had been exploring the forest for maybe four days now. It was a vibrant forest, full of life and excitement. Faeries and sprites of all kind aided us, as we helped them in various ways as well. The trees cast the most beautiful, entrancing shadows against the morning sun. As we rested by a stream, I smiled in satisfaction. Hopefully, we could find an Elven colony or something today.

"Do you have any food on you?" I questioned, turning to face mark. He was kneeling by the small stream, drinking the water. It was clear and fresh, the head of it right around a corner where it flowed right from the soil. Cleaner than any water back in our village.

"Well... Let's see," Mark replied, wiping some water from his face. He grabbed a piece of bread out of his satchel, handing it to me. "Here you go."

"Thanks, man," I said, taking a bite. "You always got my back."

"It's no trouble. I think we're lucky that troll gave us bread instead of killing us."

"He liked your pun."

"It was bad anyway. But he sure smelled... PUN-gent!"

I threw a stone at mark.

"So where are we heading next?" I inquired, changing the subject. "North?"

"North sounds boring, (Y/N)," Mark stated. "Let's try East."

"Why? We've been going North for days!"

"Yeah. I know."

I gave up and we eventually began moving East, as Mark suggested. It took hours of stumbling through the underbrush, but I finally found an interesting looking area. An abandoned colony of... of god knows what. I waved Mark over to check it out.

To be continued...


You have three choices:

A. (Y/N) and Mark stumble across a colony of hostile sprites. They have to make a bargain with said sprites or they aren't granted passage. After this, they find an Elven city.

B. (Y/N) and Mark get separated by accident. This chapter is the two POVs alternating in order to show each perspective as they search for each other. What hardships do they face? I'll figure something out. Something neat.

C. The colony is being used as a dragon lair. The dragon is a twenty foot long red European dragon. Male. (C.1: The dragon is nice and willing to help get them to a mountain. C.2: The dragon attacks them and they have to trick it or kill it in order to actually live. Dangerous! If you choose C, choose one of these two to help me narrow it down!)

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment to help me decide which direction to take this story. See ya round!

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