7. fallen for and apart for you

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fan/art: this isn't fan art but here's a meme i made out of this marigami scene in season 4 to lighten the mood after that last chapter and this one <333

A/N: it's currently finals week which i'm so excited there's only 2 days of school left and i'm getting vaccinated on Thursday im so happy !!! i'll probably write a shit tone in summer and possibly start a new book , anyways enjoy this PLANNED chapter i wrote at 9PM!?!?! who am i ...


Adriens POV:

i feel bad about storming off like i did earlier but i couldn't take it anymore , i want to be trust worthy and be there for ladybug when she needs me . I'm tired of being treated like i can't handle secrets or keep them. i want ladybug to come to me for support not shut me down .

i'm so tired of thinking about ladybug i just want to escape . "kid , you should calm down , your heart is racing end i'm trying to enjoy my camembert and you're over hear being all emotional" plagg says , i wonder what he was like with previous chat noirs ...

"i don't feel like being here plagg , i want comfort and this is the last place i'd look to for comfort so finish your cheese because we are going to marinettes" i say , marinette always knew how to make people feel better and i wanted more now than ever to feel her affection.

"ahhh the bakers girl again , you definitely like her" plagg snickers . "it's not like that, she's a really wonderful friend and i like to confine in her that's all" i say "yeah sure just a friend, that's not what i witnessed the other night when you tucked her into bed end kissed her fourhead" plagg says "PLAGG! eat your cheese or i swear i'll call my transformation right now" i yell.

"alright jeez no need to get defensive" he says .


I arrive and jump through maris trap door when she noticed me from her bed and immediately got up and walked over to me .

"CHAT! i'm so glad you're here !" she says, i'm glad i didn't interrupt or intrude . i give her a small smile and she notices how down i am . "are you okay chat ? do you need to talk?" she practically read my mind . "yeah i do actually" i say and we go sit on her chaise .

"what's up?" she asks , "it's ladybug i-" i start tearing up a little .

"what about ladybug? is she alright" marinette says pretty curiously . "yeah she's definitely fine without me , she doesn't trust me marinette , no matter how hard i try to help her or say i'm there for her she always lies and thinks i can't handle it , it's exhausting not being able to help her" i say a little quieter .

marinettes crystal blue orbs start tearing up and she starts shaking , we lock eyes for a while until she breaks the contact and hugs me really tight. i can feel her warmth and sugary vanilla scent , it was all so comforting , she started rubbing circles on my back and i continue to embrace her touch .

"i'm sorry , i'm sure ladybug doesn't mean it that way" she says with her throat a little clogged , i hope she's okay .

"thank you" i give her a knowing look and a small grateful smile to let her know i'm happy to have someone like her in my life that cares.

"but are you okay?" i start as i see her eyes watery and she's shaking so i hold her hands together to help calm her nerves .

"i'm fine it's just that i have to keep a lot of things from the closest people in my life and i'm sure everyone hates me for it and thinks i'm a terrible person and-" i cut her off "what ? why would you ever think that? you're an incredible person . you're caring , you're comforting , you always have people's backs and never disappoint"

"are you sure ? because i disappointed someone really important to me tonight" she looks at me with tears starting to stream down her face and a small smile that could melt anyone right on the spot . i hate that she's feeling this way and i can't do much about it . But i can be there for her the way ladybug won't let me .

"you are marinette dupain cheng , you are a strong and reliable person who can fix anything , i think whoever this person is , you'll be able to fix it and bring the light back to each other because you're you and you have that affect on people so don't for one second think you're anything less . "

i swore i could hear marinettes rapid heart beating when she threw her arms around me and embraced me in another warm and affectionate hug . i liked these feelings , like when you have butterflies in your stomach and it makes you smile but you don't know why or when you got them , her smile is contagious.

we stayed like this for a while when she finally let go and her eyes were red and glossy . "thank you chat noir . for always being there for me , you're one of the most reliable and trustworthy people i could have ever imagined" she says , my emotions are high and that was exactly what i needed to hear right now .


Marinettes POV:

chat noir just left and i feel more emotional than ever , he's such an amazing person and i can't believe i made him feel like that , he came to me because he felt awful and it's all my fault .

i balled my eyes out to tiki , though chat did make me feel better , he said all these kind things about me not knowing i was the one who made him feel like he did . when we hugged i could feel my heart beat so fast that i thought i was going to have a heart attack at the ripe old age of 16 .


I barley slept through the weekend and showed up to school on monday with my hair frizzy , eye bags heavy and sweats . I got a couple of stares because of how gross i looked but not when adrien looked at me , it was more of a sympathetic look .

"are you okay marinette" he asks while coming up to my locker . "Yeah i'm fine just a lot happened over the weekend" i reply hopeful that he'll dismiss it but you know adrien , very empowered to make people feel better .

"are you sure ? did you have anyone to talk to?" he asks , "yeah i did" i try to keep my smile up so i don't break down right then and there but it was hard .

"well if you need anything i'm here for you" he says, he seemed off today , his eye bags were dark and his tone was sad . "thank you adrien" i reply .


A/N: pretty happy about this chapter ngl i'm really excited because the main plot is coming together sorry if it's too rushed for you ik i say that in every chapter but i just can't help it 😭

also we definitely got robbed in sole crusher of that marichat scene in the trailer , very disappointed, just like the shanghai special , but the episode was good and i'm excited for the rest of them especially this whole love square flip hopefully 🤞🤞

anyways i'm already working on the next chapter which will be the spring dance so FUN , it'll be cute .

ALSO just noticed how fucking NASTY my friends are so now i will write smut ty very much melanie and meli for helping me realize that i am definitely not the weird one 😚😚 love y'all <33

happy reading rolly pollies <333

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