13. Dinner at The Agrestes

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Fan Art: hottie potties

A/N: i'm trying to mix up a story line here but it's fine i have SOOO many ideas , i might end this book at around 20 chapters and start a new one so let me know what you think abt that plan and happy reading <33

ALSOOOOOO PSA: i'm going on vacation on June 24th to colorado for 5 days so ya i'm not going to post in those days but maybe i'll pre write on the plane , also i just got my 2nd dose of my covid vaccine and i feel like shit love y'all <333


Marinettes POV:

"i still can't believe Adriens father invited me to dinner i was scared he wasn't going to approve of our relationship" i said , "why would you think that ? you designed his number one selling hat FOR HIS brand" alya said putting away her stuff in her backpack

"well you know Alya , because he's really strict with Adrien and i didn't want him to get in trouble because of me" i replied , which was true , i was a little scared of mr.Agreste , based on the way Adrien talks about him at home i take he's not the most compassionate person and when i met him he was always cold and stern and hates affection .

"don't stress it mari i'm sure it will be fine , now come on let's go get food" alya said

"wait , i want to show you what i'm going to wear tonight , i made it myself" i pulled out from my drawers an olive green plaid skirt with a ring buckle at the front paired with a fitted olive shirt and a pair of brown doc martin boots .

"wow that's so cute , you're definitely going to sweep adrien off his feet" alya said with a slight but obvious smirk . "ALYAAAA!!?!" i said quite shocked
  "come on mari i'm not stupid i know you weren't limping to school the other day because you slipped on FLOUR?" alya questioned , Yeahhhh that was probably not one of my best lies but i didn't expect any less from my best friend.

"yeah okay guilty now let's go" i giggled and with that we both left my house and on to the streets of Paris.


it was around 5pm and i hopped in the shower to start getting ready for my dinner at the Agrestes , washing every inch of my body , thinking about what i'll say and how i'll act .

i went to grab my opened soap bottle when a huge glob of it fell in my eye . i cursed loud enough to express my pain but quiet enough to not alarm my parents .

i got out to dry and rapped myself in a towel, i was nervous for tonight , i just don't want mr.Agreste to hate me , or think i'm using Adrien to get to him or his money like a lot of the girls swooning over him online .

although it's not my first time meeting him obviously i'm still going to meet him as a different part of Adriens life and i'm anxious for that .

as i'm spiraling i get a text from Adrien...

Kitty<3 :
Cant wait to see you , and don't stress , my father already loves you .
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damn it's almost as if he can read my mind , i smile to myself before replying back .

Me :
are you reading my mind ?
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Kitty<3 :
maybe ;) love you ♡︎
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Me :
love you too ♥︎
-read 5:40pm

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