16. Imperfect together

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Fan Art: MARICHATTTTTT IV MISSED YOU 🥰😘😍😚😜😎🥸🥳 it's my new pfp 😩😩

A/N: y'all i'm so quirky and relatable 🤪🥸🥺 i deadass need glasses , everything i'm writing is blurry lol , anyways this chapter was an emotional roller coaster so enjoy , or don't , i don't like it either


3rd person POV:

ladybug and chat noir were sitting in their spot on their favorite roof top to contemplate what they're about to say .
everything could be destroyed , all this time they've been together would've been a waste .

"so i-" both said in unison , "you go first" "no you" they both said again , until chat noir broke their cycle , "go ahead" he directed for ladybug to speak first .

"w-well ummm ..." she stuttered , chat put his hand on hers to sooth the emotions . "back to stuttering huh? it's just me m'lady" he chuckled .
"you're right" she smiled back .

"i'm just a little worried that , that you may not like me as much as you like ladybug , and that's okay i get it , i'm more perfect this way and-" he cut her rant off . "hey hey , you sound crazy" he put his hand on her shoulder .

"really because i know you've loved ladybug for so long and i just wondered if you like me too .." ladybug lowered her head into a frown .

"marinette" chat said which caused her head to look up immediately. "i love you , all of you stupid" he laughed which already took the load off her shoulders and calmed her nerves.

He leaned in to peck her cheek and took a breathe , "looks like we were both worried about the same thing" he sighed. "what do you mean ?" ladybug asked .

"well you know , i'm myself like this , opposed to that persona i put on for my father and i just want you to love me because i know you've loved me as Adrien for so long and you always rejected me as chat , so i guess what i'm trying to say is" he took a breathe "do you like this imperfect side of me?" he finished .

"oh kitty , i'm so sorry iv made you feel this way , but yes of course i do, with or without the mask , i love you . and i need you to know you can always be yourself around me, you're so much more then just a model prodigy for your father, you're funny , smart , kind and extremely compassionate" she admitted "we can be imperfect together" she smiled .

"i love you so much" he started tearing up , aswell as ladybug who leaned in and chat instantly cupped her
face to press their lips together .

as they pulled away chat started "we are here for each other now , if you're not okay , call me because i'm not going anywhere , ever" he laughed

"you do the same , as long as we're together you're never going through anything alone , now let's get out of here before alya catches us" she giggled .


The couple landed in marinettes room and detransformed to set up on maris chaise and watch a movie while being cuddled up on the it .

"you know , this reminds me of the days where i'd cuddle here with you as chat and slowly fall in love with you , but deny it and lie to myself because i was so hung up on ladybug that i thought there was no one else i could love , which ended up being true ." Adrien chuckled

"wow that feels like so long ago, i can barely remember a time where you weren't in my life this way" she realized

"it's crazy how you became the most important person to me in such a little amount of time" he admitted .

"yeah" they locked eyes, adrien leaned in to give mari a kiss until she turned her head last second so his lips would land on her cheek .

"you didn't-" he started "i did , i told you the game wasn't finished" she smirked .

(A/N: for clarification "the game" is the one in chapter 13 : dinner at the agrestes so if you forgot you can go look back over there)



"really?" he asked "yes , i told you , you only won last time but not this time" she replied .
"i think i can win again" he smirked which made marinette turn red .

"see i'm already winning , look at you all flustered and embarrassed, it's adorable" he teased in which she responded by getting on him and rapping her legs around his waist.

This made adrien just as flustered as she was , the room suddenly got more heated and the tension was high "game on" mari broke out .


it was the two of them , in a war on who would break first , mari was on top of adrien on the bed as she slowly started tracing his perfectly toned abs .

he turned her around so he'd be on top and started leaning down to leave marks on her neck , her back slightly arched which caught his attention. "giving in already princess?" he smirked

"not a chance" she crossed her arms over her chest wanting nothing more than for him to pull her clothes off right that second but she was too competitive and stubborn for that , which of course Adrien found irresistible.

they're breathing was heavy , their desire for each other became stronger , one would give in and lose .

marinette lift her legs to rest on his shoulders , he sighed heavily and couldn't take it anymore so he crashed his lips upon hers .

"you lose" she muttered in between the kisses , he chuckled in response and continued leaving kisses down her jawline until he got to her chest .

"is this okay?" he breathed to which she nodded and brought his lips back to hers .
he unclipped her bra and gently left traces of marks all around her body .

she let out soft and quiet moans as he was doing so , she took off his jeans with a smirk of victory planted on her face .

"don't look so smug about it" he teased "yeah yeah , but i did win" the last part accidentally coming out as moan to which he laughed at.


The Next morning...

Adrien found himself fluttering his eyes open to find his adorable bluenette lying on top of him with her chat noir sweatshirt she made , he found that adorable as well .

he took a strand of her hair and started playing with it and scratched her head gently .

"i love you so much , i don't know what i did to deserve you in my life . I remember all the times where i'd try and impress you and you constantly tore me down but" he released a love sick sigh

"but i'd never give up , even if you wanted me to because you were in love with someone else , which ended up being me" he laughed silently

"i love your confident side , it's a huge turn on" he smirked to himself
"but i also love your stupid perfectly imperfect side that makes me fall in love with you over and over again every time we are together, so hopefully you don't get bored and break up with me" he said

"i would never do that" she smiled waking up against his chest . "oh you're awake" he spilled all embarrassed. "i love all of you too" she laughed back at his antics .


so this chapters a little wack idk what's been up lately but my chapters are not it and im just excited to end this book ,

if you couldn't tell this chapter is kind of a parallel of the reveal chapter so yeah 😛


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