15. versions of us

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Fan Art: i feel like this one really captures the essence of this chapter don't y'all think ???

A/N: there's lots of creative juices flowing right now so this book might end pretty soon , if you didn't read my long ass authors note from the last chapter then please make sure you read the very last part of this book when it comes out , it'll have all the info on my next book .


Marinettes POV:

I just got home from school and i can't stop thinking about what alya was saying about ladybug , i know technically she's me but she doesn't feel like me , i'm not as perfect as her .

i'm so caught up with this i also forgot she knows ladybug and chat noir are dating now , i might have to pay her a visit later on , that'll fix itself .

all i can think about now is if adrien likes me for me , or for the confident and brave mask i put on to impress paris and look like i keep it together, even though i don't have anything together , i'm a complete mess but i act otherwise so Paris doesn't know they're being saved by a clumsy teenager who is constantly anxious and unsure of herself .

iv went through this before on constantly doubting myself but now that i'm with adrien , i worry he only sees the perfect side of me , what if i mess up or do something like i usually do , it blows up in my face and he rejects me !?

he's always rejected me in a way as marinette because he was busy chasing after me as ladybug , what if he still only likes ladybug ?

or i could completely be over thinking all of this and we are actually fine and i'm causing problems for myself for no reason .

"marinette you need to stop worrying , adrien likes you for who you are , don't you remember the dance you two shared before the reveal ?" tiki tried to make me feel better .

"but what if it was just a pity dance , maybe i was too forward and he knew i liked him so he showed interest to make me feel better after rejecting me dozens of times as adrien, besides he didn't make any moves until i revealed myself" this was really making me nervous, more then usual , i love him so much and this relationship is supposed to be long term , i don't want it to burn down because of my insecurities .

"everything will be fine , just talk to him tonight during patrol , i bet he'll say you're being crazy and that he loves all of you" tiki said attempting to calm me down after my rant .

"alright , thank you tiki that does kind of make me feel a little bit better although-" tiki cut me off
"enough marinette ! You can't keep thinking you aren't good enough just because you don't have the mask on" she blurted out .

"you are ladybug with or without the mask , don't you remember?, even adrien said you were his everyday ladybug back in your earlier years" she has a point , he did say that , but i still don't feel the best so i guess i will talk to him during patrol .


Adriens POV:

"earth to Adrien" plagg yells to get my attention as i'm doing my homework .

"oh sorry plagg iv just been a little distracted , you know ?" i know nino didn't mean to but he really got be thinking about why marinette is with me , she didn't really show much interest for chat noir until we revealed our identities which worries me that she only sees my perfect side .

i put on this act for my father , this perfect honor kid who never disobeys and always does what he's told , like a puppet .

i never complain , i always get good grades and i'm especially humble , my life may seem perfect to a lot of people on the screen . I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat so i never talk about it because i am grateful for what i do have , especially now with marinette .

i love her so much and i wouldn't want to lose her for the sole reason that i don't think i'm good enough for her .

"though i think love is incredibly gross and you two disgust me on the daily and you always have to be so-" plagg starts . "get to the point" i finish for him .

"she definitely loves all of you , your boring persona you have to keep your image and your super annoying but fun alter ego" plagg says , he's helpful and sometimes says the right things but i definitely don't think he understands.

"thanks plagg , i'll talk to her tonight during patrol" i hope what i'm thinking isn't true , i hope i'm being paranoid.

"yeah yeah you go do that lover boy" plagg goes into his cabinet to search for camembert. i do love that little goof ball at times .


3rd person POV:

The rest of the day the two teens contemplated on what they were going to say to each other and tried to stay positive though their thoughts were eating away at them .

they were finally in a good place and now they're doubting themselves and sabotaging it .

once patrol night rolled around , ladybug and chat avoided each other in the most possible way they could without making it obvious something was wrong , even though it was obvious something was wrong .

the thought of losing each other now , so fast distracted them through out the night that they didn't even notice there was an acumatized villian on the lose .

they both panicked when they realized and quickly started fighting back at the villian who was launching at them in attempts to catch the two by surprise.

during the fight , which was quick , the plans were vague and simple and the hero's barley talked .

in fact , with so much on the mind , chat noir didn't even make a joke or flirt or make any puns , which was obviously out of the usual agenda for him , this  proved how focused he was on his current situation with ladybug .


"miraculous ladybug! Bye bye little butterfly" ladybug captures the akuma and revives the quiet city to its original state , there wasn't much damage though , this villain wasn't one of hawkmoths strongest .

"hey umm , can we talk" chat grabs ladybugs hand . "yeah of course, i actually wanted to talk as well" she replied but the only thought in both of their heads was scary .

As they were swinging to the roof all they could think was what each other was going to say . in reality they were scared for the same reason , for no reason .
because they were ultimately made to be together and nothing could take that away from them .


A/N: LOLLLL SORRY YALL IM KINDA IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD , it's like 4am , i'll read this when i wake up .

this is another shorter chapter , the next one will be the confrontation duh , and i'm trying to make this story match bc i read my earlier chapters and they don't match the rest of the story 😭😭😭

whatever it doesn't matter i already have all the chapters planned and have only 4 more chapters to write , i plan on finishing the writing portion by the end of the week and publishing by the end of next week i think but yeah and i'll also post an update for my next book and any details or questions anyone may have so heahhhh .

happy reading shit heads <3333

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