9. missing puzzle piece

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Fan/art: Some more marichat to prepare you for this chapter 😊😊  AND IF YOU SCROLL YOU'LL SEE THEIR SLOW DANCE MUSIC , ILL INDICATE WHEN TO TURN IT ON!

A/N : i have rlly nothing to say so ENJOY I SAY <333


Adriens POV:

i get home to see Natalie coming in my room so i quickly call off my transformation .

"Adrien . where have you been , it is the middle of the night and you were gone for hours , your father was very concerned" she says

"i was just out ... on a walk , i wasn't feeling very well" i say very scared for what's going to happen .

"alright please don't do that again i'll go let your father know you're here and let you know what he says , go get ready for bed now ." she says , i'm surprised at how calm she was , i didn't even mean to stay there for so long it just did , i got too preoccupied hanging out with marinette .

i finish getting ready for bed and Natalie walks in , "your father is very disappointed Adrien . you will be grounded for a week with no electronics nor going out . understood?"

"thanks Natalie" i breathe out in defeat . this means i won't be able to go to the dance , i was excited to see marinette there .

she's been taking over my mind lately, ever since she came to the rescue after my conflict with ladybug . she's kind , understanding and comforting . i really like that about her . i haven't talked to her much in school but when i go to her every night as chat i could practically feel my heart glow .

iv decided to keep it professional and quiet with ladybug , i need space from her and though it hurts to think , i don't know if i even love her anymore , what's the point if she keeps rejecting me and treating me like i'm unreliable .

marinette is exactly who i want with me during those moments when i used to want ladybug in them .

I don't know how i'll visit her since my father will be watching my every move . it's isolating and lonely .


iv been home for the past 2 days and i already feel more alone then ever without marinette by my side .
"it's so nice that we are finally home i hate going out all the time" plagg says while popping a camembert in his mouth .

"i'm sorry plagg i didn't really consider that you didn't like me going to marinettes but i hate being cooped up in this house all alone" i say sorrowfully, iv been stressed , i know it's only been 2 days but when you've been locked up most of your life , 2 days feels much longer .

"oh i don't mind going to her house but what i do mind is you two oblivious dorks not connecting the dots it's so painfully obvious and it's driving me insane" plagg says , the heck is he talking about?

"what?" i ask confused , "ugh never mind , dumb humans" plagg says as he dramatically floats away into his camembert drawer. what's up with him .


Marinettes POV:

i come into class today to see Chloe crying even more because Adrien can't go to the dance because of his dad , i feel bad for him , always isolated and exploited by his dad . i hope he's okay

chat noir hasn't come over the past 2 nights and hasn't said anything about it , i wonder if he's avoiding me , maybe it's because i freaked him out or something and he hates me now ? like he hates  ladybug , i feel a lot more lonely without him, i'd be heartbroken if he stopped coming every night .

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