Music and Me

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Home alone again and while Tom was out of the house, I was determined to get some of my own work done. Although dating a famous actor and trying to keep that a secret, I was still kind of famous in my own little way. A friend of mine told me when we were 15 years old that I had an 'amazing' singing voice and should try and perform in front of a camera for YouTube. So every Wednesday while Tom was put and about at work, I would grab my camera and guitar and start playing. I did try to keep this a as secret from Tom, but him being the super sleuth he is, he discovered within two weeks of us being together. What he still doesn't know however is that since I was in my teens, I have always loved him and would often sit in my room as the nerdy girl I was, and try and think up songs based on love and happiness around the belief that one day, I could be his, and his alone...I was a very werid teenager okay!

About two hours into my 'jamming' session, the doorbell sounded and I was forced to leave my guitar and microphone alone for a moment. At the door was a parcel, sat on the doorstep at my feet. I frowned and looked around for any postmen or paparazzi. Nope, nothing. I bent down and lifted the parcel towards my chest. It wasn't heavy, but it wasn't exactly a feather weight either. I carried the box inside and slammed the door, being careful not to rip the packaging as I moved slowly into the dining room.

I placed the box on the table and sighed. I frowned. I stared continuously at the box, expecting something to happen. A jump maybe? Like in horror films when the unsuspecting girl always gets attacked by the thing in the was at this point that I reminded my self I was home alone...and darkness was fast approaching me. I slowly shuffle back towards the wall and slammed my spine against the cold shelter of the house. I sighed deeply, panicking at the vivid mental images  my mind had produced for me. I decided to tiptoe onto the front room, looking over my shoulder the whole time, before slamming the door shut fast and jumping onto the bouncy sofa. I sighed with relief and quickly switched on the TV.

For what could only have been half an hour later, the door went again, and I jumped out of my skin. I got up, stood on my toes, and tiptoed again to the front door. This time, to my relief, a very tired Tom stood there clutching the thickest script I had ever seen. I sighed again and looked at him, the black circles around his eyes growing faster and faster with each breath in. I stood there, staring happily at the non-scary human in front of me and it was only when he said, "Any chance of letting me in then?", when I actually burst back into reality.


"Hummh? Yes sorry." I smiled at him and moved out of the way. He frowned and looked at me, stamping his feet on the rug as he walked in.

"Are you," he frowned again. "Okay?"


We walked into the dining room and I pointed at the box. I shuddered as we edged closer and he put his arm forward towards the box. I could feel my heart beating faster as he placed his hand on the box an-

"ARRRGGGHHHH!" Tom screamed and I followed. His faced dropped and his body crumpled as he fell to the floor in fits of laughter. I scowled and looked at him. His squinting eyes focused in me and I watched as each tear dropped from his crinkled eyes. "Sorry," he said giggling, "it was, and your face, it was just-...phew!" I frowned, raised one eyebrow and perfectly hair flicked out of the room. I stood and waited infront of the window, waiting for him to apologise. At least five minutes later, he finally curled around the corner, still giggling like a school boy.

"Rach," he said, sliding his hands around my waist and resting his lips to my neck. I felt my heart flutter and I smiled to myself, leaning up to run my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry." His whispered, leaving a tiny trail of kisses along my neck and up to my ear. "I love you."

I pulled away and raised an eyebrow smiling. "So why then may I ask, would you leave your girlfriend home alone with a mysterious package?"

"Mysterious? Are you kidding me?"

"Well I don't know do I!"

"You are funny." He smirked. "It was fan mail if you must know." He turned away and looked around the room. "Wait, why is there a guitar in the corner? And a," he paused, "microphone?"

I shuddered and looked out the window. "Don't know what you mean."

He walked over and bent down to pick up the wooden instrument. "You are such a bad liar."

"Am not!" I kept my mouth open and closed my eyes. "Shit!" I whispered.

He grinned, holding out his hand, his fingers clutching the guitar. "Do you play?"

"For the Internet yeah, not for you. You're gonna make me play aren't you, urgh!" I slouched my shoulders and frowned. "Why are you so-"

"Charming? Handsome? Caring? Intrigued by his girlfriend's mysterious talents?"

"Yeah.." I mumbled, "if you say so."

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