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Once upon a time, a little girl lived near the Forbidden Forests with her mother. She was called Little Red Riding Hood, because of the deep scarlet cloak that she always draped across her shoulders. The cloak had been a gift from her grandma, whom she loved very much.

One day, Little Red received a letter from her grandma. The old woman had fallen ill and couldn't leave her home, which was deep inside the moss-green thickets of the woods. So Little Red's mother packed some delicious goods in a basket and ordered her daughter to deliver them to her grandma.

"Be careful in the woods," her mother said. "Don't get sidetracked, and don't talk to strangers."

The young child lifted her hood, laced her boots and skipped down the path to the woods, her mother's instructions in mind.

That was, until, she felt a prickly sensation at the back of her neck. Like someone was watching her. She turned around and shrieked when she saw a wolf behind her. He had big, black matted fur, ruby-red gleaming eyes and especially sharp teeth. He was no other than the Big Bad Wolf himself.

"Hello there, little one," The wolf growled.

"H-hi," Little Red replied in a small voice, forgetting all about her promise to her mother.

"What brings you to the Forbidden Forests, sweet pea?" The wolf asked. He inched closer.

"I'm going to my granny's house!" Little Red said excitedly. "She's gotten a terrible cold, so I'm bringing her some treats." She held up the basket, dangling it high above her head.

"You must be very kind to do such a thing," the wolf grinned toothily. "Where does your grandma live, I wonder?"

"Just a little further down this path!"

Suddenly, the wolf leapt into the bushes and disappeared. Little Red shrugged it off, as she knew that he was a wolf. And wolves did strange things.

She stumbled down the path, unaware that the wolf had beaten the race to her grandmother's home.

He found the old lady asleep and gobbled her up in one bite. She was gone. By the time Little Red arrived, the wolf had dressed in Granny's clothes and was huddled in her bed.

"Granny, it's Red," she called, knocking on the door loudly. "I've brought you a basket of treats!"

"Come in, granddaughter," the wolf ushered in a high-pitched voice.

The young girl figured she must be sicker than she thought because the sound of her grandma was unrecognizable. She went to the side of her grandmother's bed to get a good look at her. Grandma didn't look like herself either.

"Oh my, what big ears you have," Red exclaimed.

"The better to hear you with, my dear," the Big Bad Wolf answered.

"Oh my, what a big nose you have," Little Red gasped.

"The better to smell you with, my dear."

"Oh goodness, what big teeth you have!"


The wolf tore the covers apart, prepared to eat the young child. Luckily, Little Red was fast enough. They chased each other around the house until she was eventually cornered in the kitchen. Right before the wolf was going in for the kill, Red sped past him, blindly grabbed a knife and hurled it toward the Big Bad Wolf's back. It sank inside with a big WHIZZ and a THUNK! The wolf collapsed on the floor, moaning softly.

Little Red was traumatized by what she'd done. So she bolted back home without looking back, learning to never disobey her mother again. When she told her what happened, her mother sugarcoated the truth to the others, assuring them that a kind huntsman had helped save Little Red and her granny. That it was an ordinary wolf that had been killed.

The next time Little Red went into the woods, she would never see her mother for a long, long time.


Hey everyone! I hope that you enjoyed the first bit of Call Me Red. I'll hopefully get a few more chapters in by next week, so look out for any updates! :) 

~ LKS❤

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