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Hiiiiiii it's been so long!!! I finally finally finished Chapter 11!!! FINALLY!!! Hope u enjoy it even though basically barely anything happens- 

(At least the next chapter has a plot twist. Well, technically we sort of already know it from Hansel's POV, but...)

(oh btw: I've decided to just sign off as Em so I don't confuse you with my pen name and all that...)

(double btw: YESSSSS I *AM* REFERENCING ONE OF MY FAV SONGS (FREAKS by Jordan Clarke)! Go listen to it if ya haven't already - and don't worry, I like it, even if Red doesn't lol.)

(triple btw: the link to the song is above if you're interested)

(ok I'll stop rambling now)

~ Em <3


That night, I lay wide awake in my new, lumpy bed, unable to fall asleep. Songs that the Rebels (yes, capital R, as Jack compelled) had sang around the campfire still echoed in my ears. The lyrics were way too relatable... in a freaky way.

Come to the land of the lost and lonely

Well, yeah, done that.

don't be afraid, we'll be one big family

Too bad, I already was afraid... of my choices, of my future, of everything. How was I ever going to feel like the others were "family"? I didn't even have much of a biological family!!

of freaks. Like you, and me.

Freaks? They're calling themselves freaks? Do they even have any self-esteem? What the pumpkin are these lyrics even supposed to mean? I definitely don't want to be a freak, thank you very much.

I tossed and turned, disturbance bubbling up the surface of my mind. Sighing, I barely acknowledged the tears that stung my eyes.

You can't. Not here, where your new roommate - Goldie - might notice.

I glanced at her bed across the round room. She was snoring like a bear in her "just right" bed.

So I let one silent tear slip down my cheek. Then another. And another.

You're too weak, my idiot of a brain taunted. You kill a beast but you can't even move to a new place without crying yourself to sleep?

I buried my face in my pillow. Shut up, brain.

Ehhh... no thank you-



I must've fallen asleep, because my eyes fluttered open as I heard small shuffling sounds from the doorway. "Goldie?" I croaked.

Moonlight streamed in from the open door and illuminated the small silhouette. It was a small and stout figure, no taller than a chair.

"It's Poppy," a tiny voice answered. (Yeah I changed her name lol.) "The tea-pixie. From Flora's office."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh. Sorry. What are you doing here?"

Poppy pointed a stubby finger at the door. "We should probably speak outside, don't want to wake up Miss Locks."

Miss Locks?

Reluctantly, I dragged myself out of bed and tiptoed across the bitter wooden floor (argh – coooold!) A floorboard screeched.

Huh. She's not even stirring. Didn't she hear that? I slipped out the door.

As if reading my mind, Poppy added, "I suspect Miss Locks took a sleeping draught – or someone else slipped one. She never sleeps that deeply. Now that I come to think of it, she never sleeps at all. Always dueling someone at the witching hour, that girl."

"Is... dueling even allowed here?"

She merely shrugged. "As long as nobody dies?"

I snorted. "Well, that's comforting."

Poppy smiled toothily. "Anyway, how was your first day?"

"Uhh... Good... I guess? Though could you please tell Flora-"

"Agent Flora."

"– Agent Flora to not make us sing creepy songs?"

"Got any better song suggestions in mind?" Laughed Poppy.

My cheeks reddened. "P-Patty Cake?"

For the love of Grimm, why did I say that?

"Only joking," I said hastily. "Uh... so... you still haven't told me why you're here."

Poppy reached into her faded green satchel bag and pulled out a small notebook. Its cover was ruby-red, with O.F.R emblazoned on the centre. No surprise there.

"This journal contains your schedule for your classes. Keep it safe – it's irreplaceable. Only you or a certified agent can open it."

I decided not to bother asking what a 'certified agent' was.

"Thank you. Anything else I need to know?"

"Hmm..." She began ticking off her four fingers. One: "Archery starts at the crack of dawn..." Two: "No entering The Gifted's workshop without assistance..." Three: "The wishing well is cursed and any agen- sorry, student is strictly forbidden to go near it..." And - weirdly enough - Four: "No turning others to toads or you'll miss a week of campfire!"

I sighed, trying to jot all that down in the journal as fast as I could. But I gave up, snapping the book shut.

"Everything alright, dear?"

I decided to speak the truth. Who wants Pinocchio's nose, anyway? "It's just... everything is so... different here. I- how am I supposed to get used to all this?"

A four-fingered hand briefly touched my shoulder. "Have hope and courage, and you'll feel at home soon enough."

And, you know what?

I believed her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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