Chapter one

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Blah blah blah, intro to this chapter, done




~Sakusa POV~


This city owes me a lot Was my thought as I was using my webbing to get to another robbery. The third one today. I even had to cancel practice for it. 

I saw the robbers running with some bodybags, probably filled with the stolen goods.

"Hey look, it's Spider-man!" A kid said, poiting at me. People started looking my direction, and started cheering for me to catch the robbers.

I usually appriciate cheering, unless I am trying to sneak up on criminals.

The criminals turned around, and saw me. One of them yelled something at the others, and they started running faster. What is their goal? I thought, and I looked ahead. An intersection, where they could seperate. I had to catch them before they could reach over there.

Easy enough.

I shot my webbing, and two of the seven criminals hit the ground. I landed in front of the rest, blocking their pad. One of them pulled out a gun, but I used my webbing to bring the gun and criminal towards me. As they were heading to me at a high speed, I punched them in the face. Four left

I extended my web, making it like a net, and it caught three people in it. I then turned to face the last person, who was running for the intersection. Oh no you don't 

I shot my web, and it stuck to his back. I pulled my arm back, and he was pulled towards me. I waited patiently, and when his back reached my hand, I pushed him down onto the pavement, knocking him unconsious. 

The police arrived to put everyone in handcuffs. The chief of police was also on the scene. 

"Thank you for helping, we would have lost all of this money without you." Chief Noguchi said.

"No problem." I shrugged. "Glad to help." He gave me a nod, and I waved at the bystanders for a bit before using my webbing to swing away.

I swung all the way to an alley near capmus, and changed into normal clothing. I walked out of the alley, and went to my shared dorm with Atsumu. Knowing that idiot, he would still be practicing. 

I used my keys to unlock the door, and the lights were off.

"Jup, still practicing." I said to myself. I then noticed something weird. I turned on the light while aiming my webbing towards the couch. 

A black bald man, probably in his fourties, fifties, with an eyepatch, dressed all in black, was sitting there. He looked very.... I don't know.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my dorm?" I asked, closing the door. 

"Shouldn't expose your webbing like that young man." He said, looking at my wrist. "I could have been  your friend coming over."

"No friend of mine comes over unanounced, and those who do, already know. Also, I don't feel danger when they are here unanounced. From what you just told me, you already know who I am. Now, who are you and what do you want?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the guy.

He smiled. "Very observant." He stood up, and I followed his body with my wrist. "Alright then, I am Nick Fury, I am from Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, also known as-"

"Shield." I interrupted him.

"So you do know who I am." Nick Fury smirked.

"Just had to make sure." I shrugged, lowering my wrist. "What do you need? I am sure that you aren't just stopping by to say hi."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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