Chapter 25 Awoken From The Desire To See Him

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Absolute Star

Chapter 25 Awoken From The Desire to See Him


~Amy’s Head 19th August~

It was warm. Soothing, just like Heaven. I was laying in a heap of feathers, with no clothes on. I quickly sat up and covered myself before anyone could see. I was surrounded by clouds, and a few people were sitting on them. Wasn’t that Ray in the yellow raincoat with cat ears and a tail?

“Ray, is that you? I can see your Doc Martens you know.”

She turned around, smiled and floated over to me. “Well done Amy. You knew who I was! Guess who that hottie over there is.” 

She pointed towards a guy with his back to me. He was sitting on a cloud opposite to me. “Isn’t that… Peter? Oh sorry, I meant Joseph!”

He spun round with an Elvis Presley get-up on,  wig and all. “Nice, Amy! Ya got me there,” he laughed, winking. I grinned and looked around. Mum, dad, Eddie and Ammy turned around.

“Amy, honey, hello!” mum called. Ammy beamed and waved ecstatically. Eddie smiled too, making Ray blush. She hid behind me but they all came to join me on my super-sized cloud. Eddie picked Ammy up and tickled her. It felt really good to see them again… But why were we on clouds? Was it some kind of joke? And wasn’t I somewhere else yesterday…?

I dismissed the thought and looked around. “Miss Lee! Mr Baker!” I shouted. They both turned around and waved. Had they got together? They were holding hands so I guessed so. Cody was next to them on a rather small cloud. Ray sighed but told him to come over. He attracted lots of girls in my class like Tess, Honey, Sara, Millie and Hattie. Nate (the class’ dirty joker) was ruffling his brown hair next to Tyler. Tyler gave me a grin, which I returned with a wink. He blushed and looked away.

“My, my Miss Star! Have we a boyfriend?” Ray teased. I smacked her arm but smiled.


She went into a fit of giggles but calmed down after seeing a group of boys from our class. And was that… Lola Cameron on that sparkly cloud? She looked over at me menacingly with Tori and Lizzie by her side. They avoided looking at me even though Lola was nudging them. 

“Well if it isn’t Amy Star!” she exclaimed. 

“Erm, hey there Lola,” I replied nervously. I didn’t want mum or dad to know that we were arch enemies! She smirked before going off in the opposite direction. Everyone was together now, and mum brought out a cake.

“Your auntie made this for us. Remember Aunt Heather?” she said.

“Oh yeah, I remember. She had two kids, right?”

Suddenly they appeared on our cloud with Uncle Brian too. All my cousins appeared too - Witney, Melissa, Jack, Millie and even Matilda with Uncle David. They all covered me in hugs and ‘congratulations’. The blue sky seemed even bluer since it was now filled with more family happiness.  Everyone went into their own conversations, which I occasionally joined.  Matilda was chatting with Ray, which I had never expected! I sat next to Ray and joined in.

“So who’s your ideal guy?” Ray asked Matilda.

She shrugged. “I’m not really interested in guys… but I guess I want him to be tall, not too clever, not too wealthy either, and brunette. Sorry, but I have a thing for glasses guys too!” she laughed. Matilda had really strange views of the world… but I didn’t blame her. She was an only child and her mum married another man. Her dad was pretty much depressed every time I saw him and was getting ill too. You could hardly compare him and dad - dad was much healthier and fitter, happier too. After all he had me, Eddie and Ammy for children!

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