(BIRTHDAY) 🎉🎊🎁 23/05「eMu💛💚」

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23rd May 2021...

It's eMu s birthday!!!



I'm really happy that I get know you😭

I'm first listened to him... when I'm in the worst condition....

At that time... nvm.. I'll talk later...

Thanks to eMu, I had changed myself in positive ways...

Like, sometimes I unleash my unexpected side which surprised my friends www not in bad way though w


I tried to made Twitter header... so... if someday eMu oshi found this page, they can use it... if they want..

It's a compilation of my most fave eMu's pictures

Umm.. if someday eMu oshi found this page... you can use it if you want...

 you can use it if you want

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👇👇👇 Birthday version?


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I also made a mini video by editing pictures? www

Since it's my first time doing it, I took a lot of time... I uploaded it on Twitter w

But, I felt really happy. eMu even heart it 💕


AlbaNox wore kindergarten costume for eMu's birthday live!!!!😍😍😍

AlbaNox wore kindergarten costume for eMu's birthday live!!!!😍😍😍

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I'm literally fangirling!!! So cute!!!😍

7 babu! 7 cuteness overload!!!

Let me adopt them all!!!

But, the middle one will always be my fave w



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Is this a face reveal?!! IDK...

His smile is so bright that made me wanna cry 😭😭😭

Babu power...

OMG!!! A Prince in black tuxedo?!

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OMG!!! A Prince in black tuxedo?!

It seemed like.. I had fallen in love with him... harder than my other oshis...

I wonder if I'm exaggerating?

It just... to me... there's something that eMu has but not the other Utaite.

Because... all of my oshis except him is someone like almost perfect in everything... unlike eMu...

I still clearly remembered when I first watched his stream...


eMu, happy birthday!!!

Thanks for being born.

Your voice had saved me.

I'll always support you!


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