AlbaNox (Graduation)

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After being an idol group for 3 1/2 years, AlbaNox had came to the end.

I'm so sad and happy for them.

AlbaNox is the first idol group that I stan. Idol group that I found interesting... since it's the first group that had Utaite-Idol combination. Never I heard that there's Utaite in idol group before. Not to mention, Idol group that wore mask? I'm sure you never see one.. Yet, here we are.

I first discovered AlbaNox in early 2020 if I'm not mistaken, late Feb or early March... or to be precise, probably around when eMu joined the group?

I'm pretty sure the reason why YT recommend me to them cuz of Chocorabi. I was there when 🍫🐇 upload their very first video, in late 2019. However, due to me being confused, like Yupe-kun here, Yupe-kun there, Sakura-kun here, Sakura-kun there (I don't know that ⭐ already graduated from the group by the time I discovered AlbaNox & 🌸 still in 2 groups at the same time), I just simply followed AlbaNox without intention to get know them better (like listened to songs), like I did with groups which I don't have oshi yet.

But, everything changed during Covid-19 lockdown period. I still remembered.. on that night, while working on my homework, I opened Spotify... I decided to shuffle AlbaNox's album Masquerade Dancefloor / After School, since I wanted to listened to something new. And, the first song on that shuffle is Yakusoku no Uta. Even though, it's the first time I listened to that song, strangely enough... I found that the song is familiar nostalgic, as I had listened to it a long time ago. It resonated with my heart so well. I immediately attached to that song. (Maybe since I already on verge of my anxiety and depression on that time, so listening to soft yet powerful song calmed my heart?)

And that's how I stan AlbaNox. And that's also how I found Rindo Entertainment and the groups under it.


AlbaNox last line-up: (From left to right)
Uto💙, Kouki💎, Will💗, A-Gata❤ (Leader) , eMu💚, Haru💛, Riki💜

AlbaNox's big family💕 (From left to right):

Yupe⭐(former white member), Uto💙, A-Gata (former orange colour), Riki💜, Haru💛, Will💗, eMu💚, Kouki💎, Sakura🌸 (former red BOSS)


I guess another reason why I loved these boys are cuz of their relationship. For example, even though there are Utaites & Idol, but their bond is strong! Not only between the current members.. the same goes to former members, ⭐🌸. They even made appearance on last live. Although, they're no longer members...  but I always feel that the tie between them & AlbaNox wasn't totally severed.


Members thoughts:

⭐: I performed at the encore of AlbaNox Last Live today with Sakura-kun!

It was a great gig, worthy of being the last!
I almost cried...

Thank you so much to all the members for 3 and a half years.
And thank you so much!


🌸: I performed with Yupe-kun for an encore at AlbaNox Last Live today! 🌟🌸

I felt like a dad watching his son's graduation, man... 😢It was a good LIVE✨

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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