Random Thoughts / Stuffs 9

17 1 0


Am I the only one who thinks 「Cat Rubbing」gave off Indonesian's songs vibes? No no..I'm not offending everyone... I quite like it actually.. and it's really a good song~~~


I kinda missed Fuyuka-san's illustrations of USSS... IDK why but Fuyuka-san not longer become illustrator for USSS? Like the last song that had her was illustrator was 2020? Or early 2021?

Update: I just realized that Fuyuka-san became one of the illustrator for 「Toni9ht!」


Hahaha... what's wrong with purple Utaite this year? Like is 2022 a bad year for purple utaite? Hmm.. it's quite sad since I got a lot of purple Utaite as oshis...

Let's hope the best for them....


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