My Top 10 (2021) - Spotify

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So... based on Spotify, these are the songs that I listened to a lot this year...

Let's see...

Sutopuri - 5
AlbaNox - 3
Knight A - 1
Satomi (solo) - 1

I'm quite satisfied though it mostly from Sutopuri & AlbaNox www 💕💕💕

I'm impressed to see that Knight A managed to be in my Top 10 too😍

And then, we got Satomi's Wanderer as the only solo song admist group songs... no comment www. I do listened a lot to it since it's like my comfort song, the song that lift up my spirit when I'm having hard time since I just got into degree life recently 😢😢😢

How about you guys?

Next, I'll list my Top 10 fave original songs on YouTube~~~

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