BrDr🧸Anime Boy & Jellyfish Boy

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I just wanna share something here~


On 4th September 2021,

BrDr's green member, Toy... graduated from the group

 graduated from the group

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(Look at him

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(Look at him... he's truly real life anime boy)


That means, Toy's activities as BrDr' s member had came to the end...

However, don't be sad...

We still can support him.

Toy, a  former BrDr's green member will continue his idol's activities as Scapegoat's green member.

Please check him as well the group, okay?


Now... onto another matter...

Hmm... I was surprised by it.

Like... seriously surprised www

BrDr dropped the bomb, right after Toy's graduation.


On 5th September 2021,

A new member joined the group!!!

Without further ado, let me introduce to you,

In charge of orange member...

In charge of orange member

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My first impression of him is "Ahh... probably another cool member,huh?".

However, my impression instantly changed after I listened to his Mental Chainsaw.


Another shota voice acquired! www

I couldn't believed it.. so I listened to his another covers.

And yep, a refreshing shota voice.


As I thought... BrDr is something.

This group is like a hidden gem in darkness w.

I meant, we got:

● A famous TikTokers pair (Amato & Name)
● A beautiful high voice one and only Utaite member - not anymore (Naichi)
● A gentle kind Aniki whose his solo dance cover surpass the group (Tsubaki)
A famous dancer  (Iripon)
A cool voice member who can make your heart skip (Uto)
Noah-sama... (gomenasai!!!) w

A real life anime boy (Toy) former

And now, we got

A new member who's actually Utaite & Vocaloid producer who mix the covers himself! (Riu)


Riu is truly a hidden gem... He produced original songs which are good!

Since my oshi (started from May) are mostly shota, Riu immediately became one of BrDr's oshis www

I'll put him higher than Tsubaki but lower than Naichi www

Something like this:

(1)Nai-chan > (2)Riu-kun > (3)Tsubaki-sama


Toy-kun, thank you for your hard works as BrDr's member. Please do your best as Scapegoat's member!

Riu-kun, welcome to BrDr! I'm looking forward to see your activities as an Idol💕


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