Oshi Pair: eMuSaku 💚🌸

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Disclaimer: This is 「Oshi Pair」 segment. In this segment, I'll fangi- I meant... I'll share my opinions/thoughts on my oshi pair.(voice, interaction, what I see them, etc). Also, I wanna emphasize that I DON'T SHIP THEM ROMANTICALLY. So yeah... thank you for your understanding.

Warning: it's pretty long XD. Since there's no word limit here, I can fangirling all I want right?


eMuSaku (eMu x Sakura)

Honestly... IDK why did they became one of my fave pairs in the first place www

Not to mention, Sakura already leave AlbaNox, so... this pair is supposed to be no longer exist cuz there's no interaction between them anymore.

But... who cares about it right?

I began to oshi them in the same month www Sakura in early July & eMu in late July w


I think... I started to see them as oshi pair cuz I always got confused by their voices www

No, no... you heard it right w

I really know the fact that their voices are different still I got confused w

I meant I can recognize Sakura's voice and eMu's voice... but I got mixed up when their lines are next to each other or when they sang the line together w

This is how I tried to differentiate them:

Sakura - Sakura's voice but cuter
eMu - Sakura's voice but cooler

(I'm sorry, eMu... for always mistaking your voice as Sakura's T_T)

Because of this, I began to take interest on their interaction after I found out that their voice is literally sam- harmonious when they sang the same line together w


My first impression of this pair is equal partner.

I meant, eMuSaku was one of AlbaNox official pair. Plus, Sakura was the BOSS & together with his former partner, Yupe... they took care of AlbaNox as their own children.

So, my logic... won't eMu who joined the group (after Yupe leave) & became Sakura's official partner will do the same?

That's what I was think- no... BELIEVED at that time www I wish I can go back & tell myself to forget this absurd logic www

Cuz... the truth is reality isn't always meet your expectations www

For some reasons, I felt like eMu is someone who has low self esteem.

Whenever the group talked about Yupe or YupeSara, his cheerful voice gradually became lower and lower.

I thought that probably cuz he's the new member or someone who 'replace' Yupe that he felt low confident.

But.. as I told earlier... it's not that case www


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