Sou💙 3D Debut Live

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Sou... 3D Debut?!! 31st May 2021

Like seriously?!

I don't think the day where Sou debut as 3D will come so fast😭😭😭

He's one of my first Utaites

He's one of my first Utaites

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He's so beautiful😭😍

He's so beautiful😭😍

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I wanna cry... Can I just hug him💕

The songs list:

1. Koi
2. Turing Love
3. Hare Hare Ya
4. 16 Bits Girl
5. Odo
7. Lemon
8. ???
9. Ikanaide
10. ???
11. Watashi Igai Watashi Janai no 
12. Cute Na Kanojo
13. Donor Song

The full list... but I only watched half...

Aww... he didn't archive it...

Btw, Sou made a new account for virtual streaming!!! Please check it out!

Souくん、3D Debut おめでとうございます!ライブお疲れ様でした!!!

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