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Harry walked down a hallway. It was nothing exciting, just a plain hallway. It was seemingly dark, but the holes in the walls allowed for moonlight to fill the hall. The walls looked as if they were going to collapse any second now. But they didn't. They didn't fall, they didn't crumble. They stayed just as strong and just as sturdy.

The hall finally ended, and there was a door. It was nothing fancy. It looked like the door to his bedroom at the Dursleys. He opened the door, there was no sound that followed afterward. He looked inside, only to see a mirror. It looked very much like the Mirror of Erised, but it was different.

Harry approached the mirror, looking at the top to see if anything was engraved on it. There was nothing. Harry nodded his brow's together, and looked into the glass. For a moment he saw himself.

He saw the same, scared boy he had been for years. But his figure warped into people he recognized. Ron and Hermione. The entire Weasley family stood behind them, Fred, Ginny, even Percy, and they all looked infuriated. Why? Had he done something? The Weasley's were never mad at him. So what was different?

"How could you not tell us?" Ron scowled through the mirror.

Harry stumbled back. What was going on? He told the Weasley family everything. Correction, almost everything. "What are you talking about?"

"No wonder you're always so skinny." Molly hissed. "Even better, you wouldn't even tell Sirius, your godfather, about it." Harry knew for sure what they were talking about now. The mention of Sirius pulled on his heart."Now, he is dead. Now, you have no other home to go to." Molly let out a cackle, Hermione and Ginny following suit.

"What do you-"

"To think, you are supposed to be the savior of our world." Bill growled. "You can't even handle your own family!" Harry felt like crying and crumbling to the ground. The Weasley's would never say things like this, ever. Or would they...?

No, don't think like that. The Weasley's were his family. The first people to ever actually care about him. Was this all a dream? It had to be. This couldn't be real. In fact, there was no way that this was real.

"You disappoint us." Fred and George said in unison. Harry faltered, now on his knees, his hands cupped to his mouth, his throat burning. He felt tears drip from his eyes.

"Look at you." A voice fumed in a sort of whisper.

Harry looked upwards. Not a single Weasley stood in the mirror. Hermione was also nowhere to be found. Harry's hands fell into his lap as he stared into the face of Draco Malfoy. Not him too... He thought to himself.

"You will never be anything to me. Or to the wizarding world. You're weak. You will soon be forgotten, just like every other hero out there." To Harry's surprise, Draco stepped out of the mirror, kneeling down next to Harry. He leaned into his ear. Harry couldn't move. He was frozen in pain and hurt, finding it hard to even breath. "You're nothing. People only pity you because they know you had a miserable start," Draco whispered. "What will happen when the entire wizarding world finds out the truth about your family? They will all think the same. Saint Potter will never be enough to save us."

Harry covered his ears, trying to block out Draco's words, letting out harsh cries that made his lungs feel like they were going to collapse. The same thing repeated in his head.

Saint Potter will never be enough to save us.

Tears poured down Harry's face. This isn't real, He repeated to himself. "Shut up." He finally said aloud, his voice shaking. "Please shut up!"

Nothing he said worked. The words of the Weasley family joined the chant. Harry wanted more than anything for this to end. He clenched his eyes shut, praying that the darkness would save him and...

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now