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Draco never liked his father.
As a matter of fact, he hated his father with every fiber in his body. But only now was he finally seeing similarities between Lucius and Vernon. Vernon had that same look in his eyes as his father whenever Draco does something wrong. He treats Harry similarly to how his father treats him.

It’s like Vernon is a fatter - and much uglier - version of Lucius Malfoy; the king of the Malfoy Manor. The terrorizer of his only son. The eater of dreams and crusher of joys.

Whenever his father is home, Draco hides away in his room, never showing his face unless absolutely necessary. His father (other than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named) is, possibly, his greatest fear.


Draco awoke in the same spot he was sitting last night. On the floor, his back up against the wall. He was laying in a sort of fetal position, clinging onto his legs and shivering slightly. The sun was already up, shining like it didn’t know of the terrors the moon may have witnessed last night. Last night when Draco was too much of a coward to try to get out of the room and help.

Help him.

He pushed himself up, off of the ground; his heart sinking with an unfamiliar feeling. A mixture of guilt and something else. Fear might best describe it. He knew whatever had happened to Harry last night, whatever danger he was put in, was his fault. 

But why would he be scared? Perhaps he feared that more damage was done than necessary. Perhaps he feared that they were going to go back to square one, enemies forever. Nothing more, nothing less.

Draco bowed his head when he saw that Harry hadn’t returned. What if something worse than punishment had happened? What if they…?

Draco forced himself to stop thinking, to stop making up scenarios. He looked around the room. It felt so lonely, so quiet. He moved towards the window and looked out at the street. He wondered why the corners on the outside part of the window looked destroyed.

He heard a jingle. Followed by a series of clicks. Draco jumped around just in time to see the door swing open, and Dudley tip-toe into the room.

“Oh! You’re awake!” Dudley startled, staring at Draco.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Draco hissed. “It’s almost ten.”

“You never know.” Dudley shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “Anywho,” Dudley looked him up and down, “I feel we should talk.”


“Yeah! Man to man conversation.”

“About what, to be exact?”

“Oh, nothing you need to know now.”

Draco felt a shiver crawl down his spine. Something inside of him didn’t trust Dudley. He had a horrible feeling about this.

“I’m not to-“

“Greate! My room? Eleven o’clock?”

“In the morning?”

“Goodness no! In the evening; after everyone’s asleep.”

“Why would I agree to that?”

“Because I could have you kicked out.”

“Why?!” Draco was completely disgusted.

“Because you won’t give me what I want. I’m sure I could think of something.”

“That’s blackmail!”

“Is it?”

“Yes, it is!” Draco could feel his anger rising. “You threaten me so you get what you want! That’s exactly what blackmail is!”

“I disagree.” Dudley shrugged once more. “But it’s your call.”

Draco huffed. He turned to look around the room, his eyes landing on the bed. “Fine - I’ll come.”

“Great! See you then.”

Dudley left behind an extremely frustrated Draco in the room. He wanted to vent his anger on someone or something, but nothing came to mind. But he pushed his anger to the side, his thoughts almost immediately turning to Harry.

He needed to get downstairs. Luckily, two things had happened in Draco's favor. One, Dudley left the bedroom door open and unlocked. Two, he knew that Petunia and Vernon were already out of the house.

This being said, Draco would be able to go downstairs and see if Harry was down there without getting into trouble. And that is exactly what he did.

He was greeted by a sickening sight.

A sight he may never be able to unsee.

The Summer That Changed Everything ⤘ DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now