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Draco cuffed his hand to his mouth. Harry was standing, leaning against one of the counters for support. But his body was visibly trembling. Harry looked up at him, a desperate look in his eyes.
    He collapsed, falling to the floor. Draco gasped, rushing towards him. He looked awful. Draco kneeled down next to him, observing his body. Bruises had formed up his legs and arms. His lip was swollen and bloody, and his hair was matted with what looked like blood. His eye was swollen and bruised.
    Although he seemed unconscious, he still visibly flinched when Draco touched him.
    This is all my fault, Draco thought to himself. It took Draco a minute to gratefully realize that he was still alive. He didn’t know what to do. He looked around the room, begging for an idea, when it hit him.
    He stood, heaving Harry over his shoulder. It was a lot easier than he thought it would be. The Gryffindor was a lot lighter than he had expected. Draco made his way towards the stairs, carrying Harry along with him.
    He carefully watched where he placed his feet as he climbed up the stairs. One wrong step and could fall and hurt Harry. And that was the last thing he wanted. They finally made it to the room, and gently laid him on the bed.
    He looked awful. Draco stared at him— his arm hanging off the side of the bed. Draco now noticed that some of Harry’s clothes were ripped.
    Now, understand that Draco had felt guilt before. But never like this. He was never so consumed by it, wishing for it to go away. His soul seemed to have been crushed like a tin can, ripped to pieces like a piece of paper.
    But it wasn’t just guilt Draco felt. It was a mix of other things, but anger was top three. Draco felt himself clench his fist. How could they do this to him? How could they treat such an incredible boy this way?

(A/N: I'm such a bad updater, sorry! I hope this small chapter is satisfactory enough. I'll post a few more chapters soon.)

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