T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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The room was small, and painfully messy. The bright light assaulted his eyes, the open window letting in a great deal of sun. He wasn't at home, and he wasn't at the Dursley's, that's for sure.

In all honesty, Draco wasn't entirely sure where he was. It was cozy in the room, and the bed was plush. The hand sewn t-shirt quilt was falling apart, but he had never felt something softer.

Draco sat up, looking around. He didn't recognize anything here. He pushed off the quilt, pushing himself off of the bed and onto his feet. He walked towards the window, a small limp in his step. He peaked out, his eyes widening as a group of red-headed boys chased a young girl around the yard. She teased them as she waved a bundle of wands in the air.

The Weasley's.

He continued to stare as a tall, lanky boy came to a stop. His hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. He yelled out insults and cheered his brothers on as they continued this wild goose chase. The sweet smell of pine and grass gifted his nose, a small smile painting itself onto his lips.

He looked down, examining himself. There were no extreme injuries, a bruise or two every here and there. He was in the same clothes he was wearing... wait- how long had it been? A few hours? Days? It can't have been too long. Draco could still feel the warm August breeze on his skin. September isn't here yet.

He continued to spy down on the red-headed siblings as they made yet another lap around the house. The lankey one (who he assumed to be Ron) was still bent over, trying to catch his breath. He fell backwards onto his bum, his chest rising and falling as he almost got trampled by the weaslette.

Draco shook his head as he stared at the sky, then looked at the house. For a moment, the two made eye contact. It was a very long moment. The second passed, Ron got up from the ground and made his way into the house. Draco - who was finally done with internally making fun of the boys - went to go sit down on the bed. It was rather comfortable for being so small, something he would never be used to.

The door was pushed open, and much to Draco's surprise, Madam Poppy Pomfrey walked in. She was carrying a little tote bag that jingled with every step closer she took. She pulled a chair up to the side of the bed, flattening out her skirt and apron as she sat and setting the bag down on the floor.

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy," she said gently. "Are you feeling well? I need you to take off your shirt; you have a pretty nasty cut on your chest that I've been needing to check up on."

Draco hesitated before doing as told. He bit back a gasp when he saw the large scar that had blossomed on his chest. "What are you doing here? I've never seen you leave Hogwarts before."

Madam Pomfrey smiled as she reached into her tote bag and pulled out a black jar full of a purple-ish substance and a rag. "I've been here for the past few days mending and healing the Order members. Some of the hex's that were used against them were ghastly."


"Yes, Mr. Malfoy. It has been roughly three days since your run-in with the death eaters. You-Know-Who was onto you."

"Three days..." Draco winced as the cold, damp rag met his skin. "What happened to Harry?"

"Harry is fine, though he's been out like a corpse since he got here. It must have been a nasty hit. He had broken several vertebrae in his back. Nothing I couldn't fix, though. I think you should be worried about yourself. Dumbledore was furious when he heard about the incident. Although he wouldn't tell any of the staff why. Except Snape, of course."

"How'd I get here?"

"Mr. Weasley brought you back. He alerted me almost right away after everyone got back. Then Dumbledore heard the news. He was grateful to hear that you five were alright, though. No lives were lost, thankfully."

"What happened?"

"There's the question I was waiting for. You see, you were struck by a curse and it caused your body to freeze. Then you were hit by another, one we were unable to identify. Lupin, Mad-eye, even Dumbledore. We couldn't figure out what was used, making it much harder for me to heal you. Whatever it was, it momentarily  caused your body to shut down."

"What do you mean?"

Madam Pomfrey paused, moving the rag away from his chest. She shook her head, her face now much more serious. "Mr. Malfoy... You temporarily died. You are lucky that the curse was defective, and only half cast. Or else, you wouldn't be here."

Draco looked down at the ground, taking in the news. That couldn't have happened, right?

"Your mother was quickly summoned here. She was in such a panic, she could barely sit still. I gave her the same talk about you, and she wasn't able to do anything else. She wouldn't leave the room until it was clear that you were going to survive."

"My mother was here?"

"She still is. Would you like to see her?"

Draco nodded vigorously. Pomfrey smiled, getting up from the chair and leaving the room. Draco took the time to put his shirt back on, assuming she wouldn't be back. A moment later, Draco found himself engulfed in a sweet embrace, his mother barging into the room only seconds before.

"My sweet, are you alright? Those muggles didn't hurt you, did they?"

"Mum, I'm fine. I'm just glad to be alive."

"I am too, Dragon. What made you think it was a good idea? Running off like that!"

"I don't know... That house reminded me of what it's like when father is home. I couldn't bear to stay there."

"Really?" Narcissa released him from the hug, now maintaining eye contact.

"Yes. They were cruel, especially to Harry. I hated seeing him suffer. Especially since I know..."

A bitter pause, Draco's mind flip-flopping between his father and the Boy-Who-Lived.

"It's true then - what the Death Eater said? I heard them talking about it in our drawing room."

Draco hesitated, unknowing of what to say. His father would have bashed his brains out if he ever admitted the truth. But his mother... he never knew with her. Narcissa took the silence as a hint and hugged him once more.

"Oh, my son," she whispered, rubbing the back of his head. "You're alright. I love you no matter what. I can't be mad at you for something you can't help. You're my only son. I can't disown you for something as silly as that."

Draco hugged her back, fighting tears from falling. Did she really mean all of this? Was this just a joke? He sniffled, his mother rubbing circles into his back. She rarely ever lied. She was being sincere.

"Thanks, Mum," Draco smiled, letting her go.

A knock on the door interrupted the sentimental bond between mother and son. Both turned their heads to see Molly Weasley in the doorway. Narcissa smiled and nodded.

"Hello, Molly."

"Narcissa, Draco," Molly nodded back. "I just came to say that Harry has woken."

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