The Mafia King asks for advice

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Lihua's eyes were red by the time she reached her college. Tears refused to stop flowing out of her eyes.

Godly handsome Jiang Wei, weren't you supposed to be kind and gentle? Then why did you say those things?


Meng Ya greeted her but Lihua didn't wave back.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look so pale."

From beside her, Lu Jie snickered, "What's wrong? Did the man yesterday dump you? You were looking so much in love. Did you confess and got your heart broken?"

Meng Ya narrowed her eyes. "Nobody asked your opinion, Lu Jie. So get going with your sidekicks."

Lu Jie flared. She was really mad at Lihua. Last night, when she had returned home, she found her house all messed up and all the little valuable things she had disappeared. There was a sudden robbery and when she had asked around, she came to know that it was only her house that was broken in.

She only blamed Lihua for her bad luck.

This bitch must have cursed me!

Lihua's gaze dimmed.


Even if it wasn't the hurt of rejection, nevertheless she felt as if her heart really broke to hear those words coming out of Wei's mouth.

Meng Ya said, "Ignore her. Let's go inside."

Lu Jie smirked as they went away.

After what I went through yesterday, there is no way I would let you go unharmed.

In the washroom, Meng Ya asked, "Lihua. Tell me. What happened? Something is wrong," she paused, "did what Lu Jie say is really true?"

Lihua shook her head. She wiped her tears and explained what happened.

Meng Ya was in utter shock to know that Wei shifted to live at her apartment.

"What!? That CEO is your neighbor now?"

"But I don't care anymore," she sniffled. "He said those horrible things about sis Jia. How can he be so cruel and say that she would never return?"

Meng Ya sighed. "It is indeed a hurtful thing to say…"

She patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, Lihua. He might realize his mistake and apologize. Give him one chance."

Lihua turned her head. "I don't know about that. You didn't see how he spoke to me. He talked about it so plainly and emotionlessly as if sis Jia's life meant nothing to him. I will not forgive him for this!"


At his office, Wei was silently seated on his CEO chair. A meeting was going on and the other employees had no idea what was wrong.

Wei was always silent as a Boss and spoke as if his words were golden, but today he seemed really different.

Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, he said, "Meeting dismissed."

Everybody was shocked. Wei had never done this before and they looked at each other.

Wei glanced at them. "Leave."

They jolted and quickly wrapped up their stuff. "Yes, Boss!"

Wei thought back to the time in the car. The scene of the tears in Lihua's eyes was strangely etched into his mind. But he didn't understand why it affected him nor did he get why she got so angry.

There were questions in his mind and he thought of one person for his answers.

Wei dialed a number. The phone rang but the person didn't answer it.

He dialed again. No answer.

He dialed for the third time.

"Get lost."

And that person hung up. Wei heard a long beep.

He patiently dialed again.

A cold voice came from the other end. "I think you want to die. Don't worry. My special experimentation room is ready for you."

"I want some answers."

"Do you think I am your personal encyclopedia?"


"Then why do you always call me when I am in a bad mood? I have sent four people to hell already. Do you want to be the fifth one?"

Wei said, "I don't understand what went wrong."

"Do I care? You better remember that I am no chummy buddy of yours. Should I spell out who we are to each other?"

"I don't know anybody else."

"That's your problem."

"But I want to know what went wrong."

"It's toxic for your health to test my patience."

"I cannot sit still until I get my answers."

"You will have to pay a hefty sum for wasting my time."

Wei said, "Whatever you want."

The mysterious person said, "Transfer a hundred billion dollars right now and by tomorrow evening, I want someone in my special room. Arrange for it. No questions asked."


"I give you thirty seconds to talk your shit."

Wei concisely explained all the important stuff that happened this morning.

There was a long pause on the other end. Wei checked if he was still on the call.

"Why are you so invested in that woman whose sister you killed with your own hands?"

"I don't know. That's one of the questions too. Not for now, though. I want to know why she got angry and started crying."

The man on the other line lazily spoke, "Because she is pathetic. Stupid people who work on the frontlines like Song Jia are bound to sacrifice their life at one point. All for the sake of some equally stupid justice. It's the question of when. If that woman cannot even hear that as a possibility, then tell her to shoot herself and die. The world doesn't need weak people. Never did and never would."

"Is that so?"

He chuckled. "You know what her problem is? Somewhere deep in her heart, she might have already thought many times that Song Jia might never be back one day. She just doesn't want to accept it. You spelled it out for her and she got furious at you that you targeted her where it hurt the most."

Wei thought about it and seemed to be convinced. The argument sounded logical.

"I see."

"So, get it through her head that she scolded you for nothing. Oh if you kill her then bring her body to me."

Wei frowned and once again, he felt a strange sensation at the mention of killing her.

"I don't want to kill her."

"Yah so whenever you do, I claim the rights to her body. Don't dare call me again."

The person unceremoniously hung up.

The Mafia King's First LoveWhere stories live. Discover now