The Mafia King announces his relationship with Lihua

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Wei frowned. "I am not done with kowtowing."

"You don't need to!" Lihua spoke aloud.

"But the apology-"

"No means no. Boss, you didn't have to go that far," she sweated.

"But you weren't satisfied with the diamond set in the morning."

The students coughed up blood.

Diamond set!?

CEO Jiang gave Lihua a diamond set? When did they grow so close?

Lu Jie couldn't believe her ears either.

Just two days back they met and he already gifted her a diamond set? How did Lihua do this?

Jealousy filled her heart. Even now, he only talked to Lihua. He didn't spare a single glance at anybody else.

Lihua could feel the glaring stares pricking her like thorns. She inwardly sobbed.

Why did you mention the diamond set?

Her voice stammered. "B-Boss can we please talk? No, first please get up."

"If I don't complete the process, how will you forgive me?" Wei sincerely asked.

"You don't need to complete any process! I forgave you! Yes, I did! Cheers!"

"Oh..." Wei nodded and got up. He paused and quickly typed a message.

At his home where Fu Renshu was making his breakfast, his phone buzzed with a message.

'It worked. Your salary is tripled.'

He brightened.

"Oh! Boss is finally satisfied by that bastard's apology! Good job, Renshu!" He felt proud of himself.

'Thank you, Boss!'

He looked down at his eggs and said, "Let's have a feast!"

Back at the college, the students instantly switched sides.

"Lu Jie lied to us. She said that CEO Jiang rejected Lihua, but here the scene is completely different."

"I think Meng Ya is right. She was jealous that Lihua got the job so she spread rumors to humiliate Lihua."

"Gosh, and we believed her."

The murmurs fell on Wei's ears and he silently glanced at Lu Jie. She didn't know why but she unconsciously took a step back.

The rumors intrigued him though. He looked at Lihua. "When did I reject you? You got the job."

Lihua coughed hard.

Why is Boss so innocent?

The students - "..."

Meng Ya looked at him in disbelief. "They are not talking about the job."

Once again, he didn't respond to her, but his gaze expressed the question - 'Then what?'

Lihua quickly said, "Let's leave it at that-"

Meng Ya continued. "That Lihua confessed her love to you and you cruelly rejected her. Lu Jie spread such false rumors," she glared at her.

Lihua inwardly facepalmed.

I just want to disappear right now!

Now, Wei finally bothered to look straight at Meng Ya in genuine curiosity.

Sometimes, he faintly heard his subordinates talking about love and relationships among themselves which he could never understand.

He understood numbers, business and statistics, but he failed to understand why those people always looked so happy talking about their partner.

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