The Mafia King is here!

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On Lihua's side, the principal felt exhausted, but he couldn't do anything to help her. He tried to convince but to no avail.

Lihua pursed her lips. "I will come with you. I am innocent so I have nothing to be afraid of," she eyed the Lu couple dangerously. "I was at my home the entire time."

They didn't care.

"Who knows if you hired some goon? You being at home doesn't prove anything."

Mr. Lu said indignantly. "Please take her away."

Mrs. Lu sobbed. "I don't care how much you torture her. Just make her spit out where my daughter is!"

Meng Ya was itching to pull that woman's hair out and make her scream in pain.

Just as Lihua was about to go with the officer, she heard four distinct voices calling out to her.

"Miss Lihua!"

Mo Huojin, who was about to approach her, stopped in his steps. He narrowed his eyes.

Where did these people come from?

He quietly stepped aside.

The four thugs ran towards her and suddenly dropped on their knees and elbows, fully bowing with their heads down in front of her.

Lihua was dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events.

Who are these people?

"Miss Lihua. Thank you so much! You showed us the way!"

She was speechless.

"Ha? Who are-"

"Miss Lihua, what a coincidence! We were just talking about your greatness and then we saw you!"

The second thug joined in. "If not for you, then we would have never got to know the light!"

The third thug chimed in. "You are a Goddess!"

Lihua and Meng Ya exchanged speechless glances. "Lihua... you know them?" She whispered.

"No. Of course not."

The officer-in-charge furrowed his brows for a moment, but his eyes widened in realization a second later. "You four! You four are wanted criminals."

They gulped in fear. As expected, the cop had recognized them.

The fourth thug who had recognized Lihua first sobbed. "We 'were' criminals. That is in the past. But now we are changed people!"

The other three nodded. Before they ran up to her, they had already mingled in the crowd and got to know the situation about the false accusation of Lu Jie's disappearance on her.

The first thug raised his head and looked at her gratefully. "Miss Lihua, you remember us, right? The day before we tried to rob you, but you beat the shit out of us!"

The third thug added. "You made us kneel and lectured us for three hours! You changed our hearts!"

"Thank you Miss Lihua! You-you were so gracious. Not only you showed us the way, but you also forgave us. We are indebted to you."

Lihua had no idea why these goons were suddenly thanking her.

When was I robbed? When did I fight? I don't know how to fight a single man and they claim I defeated all four of them? And they even know my name!

Meng Ya was speechless. "Lihua, you are incredible. Why did you hide your skills from me?"

Lihua said, "W-wait, I don't-"

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