The Mafia King's yet another convenient misunderstanding

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Wei asked, "You know him?"

"Ah? Who?" Lihua blinked her eyes.

Wei pursed his lips and looked downcast. He didn't know why he felt so affected seeing Lihua with that strange man. He detested that irritating feeling in his chest.

"That man you came out with."

"Oh him...he is-"

Lihua stopped.

Wait, what should I tell him? Mo Huojin told me not to tell anyone about sis Jia and he is her colleague. How should I introduce him...?

"...He is my friend."

Wei blinked his eyes. "But he is older than you."


"Who said that older people cannot be your friends? Plus he is not that old..."

Wei tilted his head. "You never mentioned him. It was only your other friend."

He didn't bother remembering Meng Ya's name.

Lihua coughed. "T-that we met after a long time so he just didn't come up in the conversation."

"I see..."

She nodded. Safe! Now before Boss asks anything else-

"How do you know him?"

Lihua looked at him, stunned. "A-ah that..."

"Where did you two meet?"

"How long have you two known each other?"

"What does he do? Where does he live? Where was he until now?"


Boss! Why are you shooting questions like laser beams?

She nervously laughed. "Boss it's so rare for you to be asking so many questions..."

Wei paused.

Indeed it wasn't like him. Impatience wasn't in his nature, but ever since he heard those women praising them as a couple, he started to feel restless for some reason.

"...Why did you meet him today?"

Lihua began to sweat under the pressure.

Why is Boss testing me like this? She sobbed. He seems different.

"W-well we met after a long time so he asked to grab a coffee together haha..."

Wei pursed his lips and seemed conflicted. Lihua felt as if somebody hit her with a huge boulder, seeing his pitiful expression.

Ah what is this guilt I am feeling...?

"Boss, did I do something wrong?"

He looked at her earnest expression. He parted his lips to say something, but then he remembered how she had gotten angry when he talked rudely about Song Jia. So, now he wondered if she would get angry again if he spoke something against that friend.

But if he didn't get his answers, how was he supposed to settle that uneasy feeling in his chest?

Their playful argument and teasing left him with a sour mood.


Something is definitely bothering him, Lihua thought.

His expression didn't change, but his voice felt a little softer than before.

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