The Mafia King's convenient misunderstanding

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Every step Wei took towards Chang Fang rang alarm bells in his mind. There was a chair in his path but Wei kicked it hard. Even after killing the culprits, Wei couldn't calm down. He felt an urge to destroy everything that lied in his way.


"Your men kidnapped Lihua unnecessarily. You brought her to a place like this. You could have killed her. How should I punish you for this?"

Wei expressionlessly stared at him, but his impassive gaze was more dangerous and fiercer than ever.

Chang Fang dropped down to his knees and bowed his head in front of his feet. Naturally, it had no effect on Wei.

"I should-"

"Boss please forgive me! I really had no idea that she is your woman!"

Wei froze.


That was what Wei felt. The anger inside him suddenly deflated as if somebody poked a balloon and the air dissipated from it.

Chang Fang was trembling hard. "Boss, I swear on my honor as a leader. I wouldn't have brought her here if I knew that she was your woman...In all these years, we-we never heard of the Mafia King d-dating anybody...Boss, one chance! Please give us one chance! I beg you!"

His subordinates dropped down to their knees and begged him. "Y-Yes Boss. We didn't know. How can we dare touch your woman? Please Boss…"

Wei asked, "What did you say?"

"B-Boss, please forgive us! Please give us one chance!"

"Before that."

Chang Fang was confused. "T-that we didn't know of you dating anybody…"

Wei pursed his lips. "Before that."

What did I say before that?

One of his subordinates tugged him. He whispered, "Boss, it's about how you called that woman his woman…"

"Oh-oh yeah!"

"Boss! I didn't know that she is your woman!"

My woman…

Wei was in a daze. The term 'his woman' felt like sweet music to his ears. "Say it again."

"I didn't know that-"

"Not the full sentence. Just those two words."

Chang Fang sobbed. Why is Boss testing me like this?

"Your woman."

A tickling sensation arose in his chest and it warmed his heart. Hearing that term somehow gave him the proof that Lihua belonged to him. And that sense of belonging fluttered his chest in an inexplicable happiness that he didn't understand, but which he felt it crystal clear.

Wei tilted his head. "Why do you think that she is my woman?"

Once again those words made him feel as if he had never gotten that angry in the first place. He strongly liked the feeling associated with being called Lihua as his woman.

This this what people call feeling happy? He wondered.

Chang Fang said, "Boss, you personally came to my small base to save her and then you killed the leader and that businessman too because they hurt her. Isn't it because she is your woman?"

Wei seemed in deep thought. "So doing these things makes her my woman?"

Wei, who had no clue about how relationships worked, was curious to know this, especially since it concerned Lihua and him.

The Mafia King's First LoveWhere stories live. Discover now