The Mafia King's awakening - Anger (1)

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Meng Ya entered the elevator just in time before the security guards reached her.


She stuck out her tongue.

She looked at the control panel with buttons upto forty-five floors.

Isn't the CEO's office usually at the topmost floor?

She remembered seeing written fifty floors somewhere, but here it was only till forty-five.

From the forty-fifth floor, there was a different elevator to go further up. But she didn't have time to look for it.

As soon as the elevator opened, she rushed towards the stairs to climb to the last floor.

Lihua. Please be safe okay? Once I meet Mr. Jiang, everything will be fine.

At the same time on Wei's side, he frequently checked his phone. He didn't know why but he wished to hear Lihua's voice.

He couldn't meet her this morning, and now he wondered what she might be doing. He checked the time.

She should be in class…

He announced. "A five minutes break."

The employees quickly left the room. As Fu Renshu entered, he almost stumbled in his steps. His eyes widened. "Boss...What is that bruise on your head?"

He gritted his teeth. "Who dare do that!? Give me his name! I will show him what true hell is!"

"I did that."


Fu Renshu looked at him, speechless. "What?"

Wei frowned. "Why are you acting so surprised? You told me to kowtow and bang my head to apologize. I did just that. Lihua forgave me because of that."

Fu Renshu felt dizzy and took support of the wall as he trembled and collapsed. "Boss... it was y-you?"


"For Song Lihua?"


It's as if thunderbolt struck Fu Renshu and zapped him hard.

So when Boss was asking on tips, he-he referred to himself?

He felt his world crumble.

"Boss why didn't you tell me that it was for you! I-I would never have...This is such a will I forgive myself...? Boss hurt himself because of me...I am a capable assistant. No, am I even capable anymore? I gave him wrong advice and I even felt proud of myself..." By the end, he was muttering to himself. "Such a blasphemy. The only punishment is death!"

He bowed full ninety degree. "Boss, please cut off my head! I don't deserve to live. I have failed my duty! Please don't show any mercy!"

Wei pursed his lips. He didn't understand his poor assistant's remorse.

"No cutting off."


"Take care of the duties outside. I have to call Lihua."

Sooong Lihuaaaa...

Fu Renshu's gaze darkened.

Just wait till I get my hands on you!

He grudgingly left after Wei left him with no other option.

Wei knew Lihua might not pick up, but he couldn't help himself. He dialed her number, but it was coming out of the network area.

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