Chapter nine: The Talk

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This is my cat👆💕


I stop in my tracks as a familiar male voice.

I would recognize that voice anywhere. I then around, seeing a purple haired boy who happens to be my step brother.

"What's up, Zander?" I ask.

Zander frowns, his lavender eyes reflect worry, as if there was something to be worried about. He walks up and grabs my shoulder.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asks his eyes round with empathy. This is why I love Zander. Behind that angry, edgy cover, he has a kindred heart and cares for his loved ones. He would never let anything bad happen to any of us, not on his watch.

I try to hold my cover and at like I'm not as sad about Daisy as I really am. But holding it in is really hard, especially when Zander is trying to help.

"Yeah," I choke up on my tears, "Let's go."

     We walk through the front courtyard of the school, admiring the beautiful flowers and concrete statues. It's beautiful here, definitely a peaceful place to be.

"I know you like Daisy," Zander says, as we walk towards my car.

I blush and turn the other way, "Yeah, I do. But so does Sean and Jake," I respond, pulling a strand of teal hair behind my ear.

Zander sighed as we passed a navy blue Honda. He stops in his tracks and faces me, his lavender eyes staring right until my black ones.

"It doesn't matter who likes Daisy," he states confidently, though I'm confused what he means. It DOES matter who likes Daisy, those are the people I put before me.

"It matters who Daisy likes," Zander continues, and as he says it, I start to believe him. It would be really sad if someone Daisy didn't even like ends up dating her.

"And as long as that person likes Daisy back, then that's what matters. Not just who likes Daisy, it goes both ways."

I've never considered this, but Zander is right. Even if Sean and Jake like Daisy, that doesn't mean she likes them, or that she'll end up with them.

We continue walking through the courtyard. "Well who do you think Daisy likes?" I ask Zander. He shrugs, but then he turns to me with a smirk. "Your mom."

I don't know why, but I can feel myself laughing at Zander's terrible joke. I push him playfully.

"Hey!" He responds pretending to be offended, although he is giggling like an idiot alongside me.

"I'm just saying," he starts as we cross on to the parking lot. "You should put Daisy first before Sean and Jake, her feelings are the most important."

"Do you think Daisy likes me?" I ask, instantly regretting it afterwards. It was a stupid question, of course Daisy doesn't like me.

Zander smiles and looks into the sky. "We can never know for sure, but she likes you as a friend, so that's a start." Zander's smiles does not leave his face as he talks.

I look at him and return the smile as we're finally approaching my car.

Zander opens the passenger door and is about to step in, but before he does he backs out and says, "No matter what happens with Daisy, just no I'm always here for you."
And with that, we get inside the car.

[DISCONTINUED] Braids  (a tmf Haisy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now