Thank You.

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Hello readers! Avery here. 

Thank you so much for all the support on Braids. Coming home from school to see your comments really made my day so much better, and I want to thank you with all my heart.

Now, what you're really here for: I won't be continuing this fanfiction. Shocking, right? I mean it hasn't been updated in forever, who could've predicted that it was ending? 

Yeah, I know. You probably saw it coming. But I didn't want to leave without thanking you all so, so much. Over the past THREE years, you've helped Braids reach a total of 2.7 THOUSAND views, 52 votes, and #249 in #themusicfreaks, out of roughly 1,100 stories. That is all so crazy to me. Thank you so much. I will forever treasure each and every one of you in my future writing career. Thank you for giving me confidence from the start, especially when reading my story back it wasn't that good. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Goodnight everyone.

-Avery 01/20/23

[DISCONTINUED] Braids  (a tmf Haisy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now