Visitors Pass

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It was the middle of the night, the rain was pouring and (Y/N) was in the pitch darkness of her room only to be illuminated by her phone screen. She pulled out a sucker and began to eat it laughing to herself listening to Mai and Momo argue while Miwa stared at the screen. Thunder had boomed through her room so loudly that she almost missed the knock on her door.

Who the hell could that be, its like 2:00 in the morning. "Im coming!" "(Y/N) what are you doing?" Momo asked. "Someone's knocking on the door." "What if its a killer?!" Miwa said shaking causing Mai to roll her eyes. When I got to the door I was shocked, "Maki? What are you doing up? Its like 2:00 in the morning?" I asked. "I came to tell you that its supposed to be raining today and considering its the weekend I'll give you a break." She said. "(Y/N) who is it?" Mai asked. "Its Maki." "Ew."

"Thanks for telling me that Maki. Ummm do you want to come in and watch a movie or something? I asked rubbing my neck. "(Y/N) I swear if you let Maki in your room..." "she's already in here..." and with that Mai hung up and the others followed. Maki sat on my bed while I opened the curtains to watch the rain. "Peaceful isn't it?" I asked. "It is." She responded. I flopped on my bed beside her staring at the ceiling, "Hey Maki, why does Mai hate talking about you?" She took her glasses off and started to stare at me. "S-Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." I said laughing nervously. "Its fine."

(Maki POV)
"It all comes from the Zenin clan." I stated. She sat up and looked at me curiously. "Me and Mai are twins as you know." "Uhuh." "She was born with cursed energy, I wasn't." She then jumped up im shock, "then how do you see cursed spirits!?" "My glasses." I said taking them off. "Oh ok I gotcha." "I didn't like how our clan treated us, doing chores and simple orders is not how I wanted to live. Being ostracized for not having cursed energy, I took it upon myself to leave and become a sorcerer. I came to Tokyo while Mai went to Kyoto." I said. She looked at me smiled. "Mai can be a bitch, but she does it because she cares." She said walking to the window.

"You know, I couldn't stand Noritoshi jr. when I met him. He's all high and mighty because of the clan position, he says its really important. But I didn't become a sorcerer for the clan, I did it because I want to be better than Jr.. Me and him occasionally bump heads now a days but its not like it used to be. He's still up my ass but he does it because he wants the best for me. If I wasnt so lazy I could've probably been on his level or even stronger. The guys at Kyoto might be rough, but they're my family." She said grinning. "Mai likes to pick on me, she calls me names but I've gotten used to it. When I look at her then at you, you guys are so different its mind blowing. You're strong and outgoing and Mai is, well, Mai." She laughed.

I smiled and shook my head at her foolishness "you're something else." I tell her. "Do you think I could ever be as strong as you?" She asked. "Maybe... if you stopped being lazy." "Come on Maki!" We continued to talk about random things until I called her name and she didn't answer. I turned to see that she was staring out the window again. "(Y/N)?"

"(Y/N)?" "Yeah Maki?" "Are you ok?" "Yeah im fine im just thinking." I told her. "About what?" "Me and you, we each have something to prove." I say smiling to her. "You might not think it, but we arent too different." She looked at me and smirked flicking my forehead, "perhaps not, but when it comes to training we're on two different levels." She said winking. I huffed and closed my eyes. I must've dozed off because when I woke up it morning. I looked around to see that Maki was gone. I grabbed my phone and called Utahime sensei, "Is it ok if I can come visit the others or am I banned?" She sighed, "I guess so but you cant stay." I hung up and jumped for joy. I finally get to see my friends.

Once I got to Kyoto I began to sob. Home sweet home. I wandered to the training field where I found the others. I ran up and jumped on Momo, "(Y-Y/N) get off of me!" I giggled as I pulled her up. "Have you finished your training with Maki?" Jr. asked. "No not yet, im not even close." Jr. just shook his head as I felt two arms wrap around me. "Well well well look what we have here~" "ACK, MAI!!" I jumped out of her grasp making her giggle. She then pulls her gun out and points it straight at me, "You still gonna kick my ass?" She asked causing me to spazz and have a flashback to Maki.

No Slacking! Maki Zenin X Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now