Im Getting Ripped Tonight - (Filler)

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"Maki stop its too big!" I cried out. She looked at me and grinned wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"I dont think its big enough..."

With each pump she became more and more agressive. "Maki, faster..." I panted trying to catch my breath. Smacking her teeth she pushed her glasses up and quickened her movements.

I put my hands on her shoulders and gave her a quick kiss. "Maki...I cant take it anymore..."

I fell back panting as she stood over me.

"What are you doing, we aren't finished yet." She said folding her arms. "Huh?!" I groaned.

Suddenly the others came outside. "You guys ready yet?" Panda asked. "We would be but lazy ass over here wont help me finish blowing up the beach ball..." Maki grumbled.

"Its too hot, look at me. I think my blood is boiling!"

Everyone laughed, even Megumi cracked a smile. "TO THE BEACH!" Gojo yelled as Yuji held his floatie tight. While they ran to the water I sat there watching. Suddenly my feet were off the ground.

"Maki?!" "Since you're complaining about how hot it is why dont you cool off ?" She asked smirking. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You. Wouldnt. DARE...."

Next thing I knew a fish swam by me as I resurfaced. "MAKI!" I screamed. She began laughing as she made her way over to me.

"You're cute when you're mad~"

"I- you- you know what, forget it..." I whistled and panda came out the water with a shark fin on his head and dragged Maki under.

We laughed until we saw a few bubbles. "What the-" Yuji said. Panda slowly floated back up on his back completely knocked out as Maki wrapped her arms around me.

"I hate when you do stuff like this, now look at you." She said.

"Did somebody say water fight?" Gojo whispered tilting his shades up. "What?" Megumi asked.


As the water fight intensified Panda and Maki began fighting while Yuji, Nobara, and I started eating.

"You dont think Fushiguro will die do you?" Nobara asked. "OW!" Megumi yelled as we looked back.

"Im sure he'll be fine." I said and Yuji and Nobara agreed.

When they were done they left Megumi to drown in the water. Panda was chasing Toge around, Gojo went to get Megumi, and Nobara and I had buried Yuji up to his neck in sand.

"Hey look, its Zenin-senpai." Yuji said. "Oh, Maki. Wanna help us finish up with Yuji?" Nobara asked.

"Actually I need to borrow (Y/N)." I stood up and walked with her and we sat under the umbrella.

"What is it Maki?" I asked. "You know I love you right?" She asked. I nod. "Good, I just wanted to double check." She grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Maki, you're a simp." "Shut up..."

I need Gege to feed me more Maki panels....

And for all of yall that though that this was THAT kinda chapter, GO TOUCH SOME GRASS

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Plus happy 15k

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