Homecoming Part-1

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(Maki POV)

"Hey, have any of you seen (Y/N)?" I asked. We've been avoiding each other for a few days, or more like (Y/N) was avoiding me. "You didn't hear Maki? (Y/N) got called back to Kyoto for the Goodwill Event tomorrow." Panda said. "What! Why wasn't I made aware of this?!" "What do you mean Maki? She literally told everyone last night." Nobara said. "Oh, I see." I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Maki are you ok?" Panda asked. "Im fine, but thats enough on the matter. We should train a few more times before tomorrow." I told them walking away. (Y/N)... "I-Im sorry...I gotta go...

I sat in Jr's room. He slid me a cup of coffee as he sat down. "So, was your training successful?" He asked. "It was fine..." I trailed off. He looked unconvinced. "Did something happen (Y/N)?" He asked. I thought about me kissing Maki and shook the thought out of my head. "It's just... one of the guys there died. He was a pretty cool guy..." I said. "Thats the world of Jujutsu. Nothing is promised. I noticed you've improved significantly in combat." He said putting his cup down. "Thank you." "But if we tasked you to fight Maki Zenin, could you do it?" He asked causing me to think about Maki more but I shook the thoughts away. "I'll do it... no hesitation."

-It was the day of the school event and everyone was preparing.

(Maki POV)
"CURSE YOU YUTA OKKATSU!" Nobara yelled. I felt something coming over the horizon. "They're here..." I said turning around. "You came here to meet us? How disgusting!" Mai said as (Y/N) stood beside her with a frown. "Where's the idiot?" Utahime asked sighing. "He's late" Panda said. "Idiots are never on time." I said. Then he came with a metal box pushing it. "I have gifts for you all!" He yelled passing out his souvenirs. When he was done he opened the box and out popped the boy.

"Yuji...." "Oh, hey (Y/N)!" I hugged him as tight as I could. "I thought you were dead!" I said crying causing him to pat my head. "There there, im not dead. Not yet at least." "THATS NOT FUNNY!" I yelled.

The event had started and we had all taken our places. "Stay locked onto the objective (Y/N)." Jr. said. I nodded and gulped.

"It seems Sukuna's vessel is not dead. That boy, Yuji Itadori is the target. I want him killed, he is a threat to us and everyone around him." Gakuganji said. "WAIT WE'RE NOT KILLING HIM FOR REAL ARE WE?!" I yelled. "We have to (Y/N) he is a danger to us." Jr. said. "But wait he's actually-" "Silence (Y/N), has being around these insolate fools corrupted your mind. You will eliminate Yuji Itadori, understood?" Before I could say anything Todo butted in. "I refuse, I want to see what he's made of..."
-end of flashback-

After watching Todo slam Yuji's head in a tree for a while he got up and Todo asked him what his type was. I was prepared for the worst until, "I like a girl with a nice body and a big ass like Jennifer Lawrence." My jaw dropped when I saw Todo begin to cry and praise Yuji for his answer calling him his best friend. I heard a couple of rounds shoot off to see Mai was beside me and the others had surrounded Yuji.
We have to kill him (Y/N), he's a danger to us and everyone around him. I shook my head and jumped in front of him. "I refuse to let you guys kill him, if you want him you have to go through me!" I said.

"(Y/N) get out of the way, this is no time for games." Jr. said causing me to shoot a glare at him making him flinch. "Im already pissed from my nap being shortened , dont make it worse Noritoshi..." "I thought I told you guys to not intervene." Todo said brushing by me. Suddenly he clapped and Yuji was in the tree. As him and Jr. argued I started to walk away until, "Dont forget what you need to do (Y/N)! Exorcise as many curses as you can and find and defeat Maki!" Jr. said. "You got it..."

In my searches I got a call from Toge, but I didn't answer considering the situation. As I was looking around a rock hit the back of my head. "Ow! Who the fu-" I turned to see Maki with her weapon in hand. "Finally, there you are..." I said activating my red scale technique charging at her. "Come, show me what all my training has done for you!" She yells as I picked up speed. "No problem with that, Im gonna kick your ass!" I told her throwing punches. For once she was actually dodging me.

I cant belive it, im actually keeping up with Maki. "You're doing pretty good (Y/N)!" She said as I threw a punch and she dodged it leaving me open, "BUT IT WONT BE ENOUGH!" She said.  As her blow came I threw my hand up to cushion the blow which resulted in two of my fingers breaking. "F-Fuck!" I whimpered as I put them back into place. I looked to see a blade was in my face as she stood in front of me. "Good job, you managed to get a couple of hits in. Im proud of you."

For some reason her words hit different but in a bad way. Maybe because of the kiss, or maybe because I lost again. Whatever the reason, it didn't feel good in the slightest and I hated every waking moment of it. "Maki..." I said biting my lip until I heard footsteps. I looked to see her walking away. "We can talk after the event." Was all she said before she ran off again. "Oh." I chuckled as I looked back down to the ground. I noticed there were raindrops hitting the ground. But its clear skys today. I said looking up.

I started to rub my face feeling the wetness around my eyes. "Oh. Its me crying..." I stood up and dusted myself off. When I was done I tore part of my uniform and used it as a wrap for my fingers. I looked up at the sky once again, I hate twins.

Sorry for the short chapter, I've been working with my dad for the past few days. 🙃

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