Supernatural: Dean

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You was sitting in the back of the Impala, waiting for Dean to come back from checking us in at a motel. Sam sat in the passenger seat, and you in the back. Total silence. It was late, and you hadn't slept in a long time, and you began to doze off. You laid down on the seat, and drifted to sleep. A minute later, Dean popped open the door.

" Let's go. Where is (Y/N)?" He asked Sam.

" Back seat." He said getting out.

" Aren't you going to carry her?" He asked, looking at you as you slept.

" I have the food, your turn." He said grabbing the room key, walking away. Dean grumbled, and shot a look at Sam. He shrugged it off, and kept walking.

" All right. Come on." He said, pulling your limp body out of the car. He hoisted you into his arms, bridal style, and closed the door with his foot. You woke up, but Dean didn't notice. You saw Sam holding the door open, watching Dean. You stopped breathing for a second, and for a good reason. Dean started to lose grip on you, and threw you up, to get a better grip, and in the process, he touched your butt. Dean entered the room, and laid you on the bed. He stepped back in front of the two beds, next to Sam.

" Two beds. One of us has to share." He said, glancing between the two beds. He was starting to make his way to the other bed, but Sam jumped on it, and sprawled out, taking up all the room. He glared, and Sam, then at you. You was still awake, and could hear them talking.

" Dude! I can't sleep with her." Dean said.

" You like her, don't you?" You didn't know Dean's response, but Sam kept talking, "Then suck it up for one night!" Dean grumbled under his breath, and laid down on the edge, as far away from you as possible. You was still tired after your two minute nap, and finally succumbed to the darkness. You woke up, with a warmth surrounding you. Did you crawl under the covers in your sleep? Was the heater on? Nope. Someone was next to you. You looked to the nightstand, and your pistol was laying there. You had to move quickly.After a minute, you was fully awake and ready. You jumped out of bed, grabbed your pistol, jumped on the figure, barrel to the person's forehead.

" WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!" He yelled. Sam jumped out of bed, and looked over at us. You was sitting on Dean's chest, gun pointed at his head.

" (Y/N)?" Dean asked, pushing the gun barrel away.

" What happened?" Sam asked.

" Were you spooning me?" You asked. Dean's face went tomato red. Sam burst out laughing. You jumped off of him, and punched Sam in the shoulder.

" Sammy, shut up and get some breakfast." You said, royally pissed. He walked out, laughing. Dean sat up on the edge of the bed, in the other direction, rubbing his head. You came over and sat next to him.

" I'm sorry, you know, for almost killing you." You said, sadly.

" It's okay. I really do, you know."

" Do what?"

"Love you." He said, rubbing your thigh.

" I love you too." You said, smashing your lips onto his.

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