Doctor Who: 11th Doctor

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" Y\N! Time to come in!" your mom yelled for you.

" Five more minutes please!"

" Only five!"

You giggled with glee, turned around and fell backwards into a pile of snow. Looking up to the night sky, seeing all of the stars, planets, and galaxies, made you wonder what it is like to travel in space. Despite the snow, you felt warm and sleepy. Your eyes grew heavy and before you knew it, you was asleep. You woke up to a strange sound, a metallic thrumming. You realized that you where back in your bed, but covered in snow. You grew curious, and looked out the window. Nothing. You crawled back into bed then glanced at your other small window. You gasped at what you saw. A blue police box sitting by dead peach tree. You blinked and rubbed your eyes, thinking it was a hallucination from sleep deprivation. You looked back at it. It was still there. You jumped out of bed and looked in that direction, but there was a dark, tall figure in the way. You did a silent gasp, but the man must have heard you. He spun around looking at the window, right at you.

" Hello, is someone there?"

You took a step back, realizing that the window, was tinted. He stared right next to you. You grinned realizing that you had the advantage in this situation. You grabbed red nail polish and covered your hand in it. You stuck it against the window, to make it seem like a bloody handprint. He jumped back, then pulled out a small object that was black, white, gold, and green on the end. He pressed a button, making it extend. He ran it over the print, as it did " scan" the fake print, it emitted a high-pitched noise. He stopped and read something on it,

" Nail polish?"

You giggled to myself and snickered.

" All right, who is in there?!"

You froze and you had enough of your fun. You stepped forward to the window, and opened it. The moonlight hitting your face. A smirk grew on the man's face.

" Who are you?"

" My name is (Y/N), and who might you be?"

" I'm the Doctor. I need to ask you a question."

" And what might that be?" you asked.

He grew closer to you, reaching his hand out to you.

" Will you come away with me?"

You glanced at his whole body.

Bowtie, suspenders, brownish-black shoes, floppy hair. Seems fair enough. You looked straight into his eyes and took his hand. He pulled you through the window. He walked up to the police box and walked inside. You looked up to the sky, and said,

" Oh Clara, why didn't I believe you?"

A smirk grew upon you.

" Welcome to the TARDIS."

                           The End...

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