Avengers: Bruce Banner

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You gripped the files tightly as you strode down the empty halls of the SHEILD Helicarrier. You stepped into the lab, late at night, surprised to still see Bruce working , as it was incredibly late. He glasses were pushed up high upon his nose, fingers typing away.

"Hey, babe." You said quietly. No reaction. You set the files down on Tony's desk, and began to walk out the door, but hesitated. You stopped and walked back to the desk he stood at.

"Bruce? Are you okay? You seem unusually quiet." You inquired. He sighed, took off his glasses, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Your concern grew, as he only did that when he had something he needed to say. He came around the other side of the desk you were on, leaned on it, and you backed up a little.

"(Y/N), I... I can't do this anymore. It's not you, it's me. I don't want to constantly live in fear and run the risk of the... Other Guy having to come out and hurting you." He said.

"No. I'm constantly running the risk. I work with the Avengers and SHEILD, after all. I'm in danger whether or not it involves the Other Guy." You said stepping forward. He stood up straight, still using the desk for support. A risky idea overrun your thoughts. It's either works out, causing only minor damage, or having it go horribly awry, and possibly killing everyone on the ship.

"Bruce. Please forgive me. If I die, know it was my fault, not yours. A life without you, is a life not worth living." You walked back to the back of the lab, looking at Bruce. Confusion grew on his face, then slight horror.

"(Y/N)? What are you-"You broke into a run, then jumped out the large window back first. Glass shattered and flew through the air, and your body was dragged down by gravity." (Y/N)!" Bruce screamed. Bruce broke into a panic, and ran into the hallway, screamed for help, and jumped out the window, following you. Wind whistled past your ears. You didn't even scream. You closed your eyes, and waited for the eternal darkness to overwhelm you. You was falling smoothly, but a jerk hit your body. Your hair still flew around, so you was still falling. Your eyes whipped open, but it was dark, but streaks of light shone through. You could hear Tony's suit flying, Thor yelling. Where the light entered, there was a green tint. What was holding you was big and muscular. It was... SLAM! Your body and his crashed to the ground. His grip lost hold of you, and you bounced and rolled. You rolled onto your side, about 200 yards from him. Your arm laid across your stomach, and the other laid out, and your legs bent, your head facing to the night sky. The glistening stars reminded you of the time you first met Bruce.

You sat beneath a tree, upon a hill, late into the evening. This was your place where no one could bother you. The light of the stars shined through the branches, and the gentle breeze shook the leaves ever so slightly, casting a dancing light on the trees trunk. You smiled as the moon came out from behind the clouds, wishing to play hide and seek. You was disturbed from your euphoria by a large thud. You shot up, worried. A medium sized crater was just at the bottom of the hill. You walked down hesitantly, and looked over the mini cliff of dirt at the edge of the crater. A large figure laid down, making deep, guttural moaning. The moon provided some illumination on it. It was a monster. It's skin was a shade green. He shrunk to the size of a normal man. His black hair was a mess, and his breathing was ragged. You rushed down the crater to his side, placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Sir? Are you alright?" I asked. He rolled over and looked at me. He gasped, and pushed me away.

"Are you alright? Did I hurt anyone?" He inquired, eyes growing wide.

"I'm alright. Who are you?"

"Bruce Banner, and you?"


That was a glorious evening. As you relived your first meeting, you watched as the Helicarrier floated above. Your body racked with pain and your muscles ached. The only sound was Tony's suit whirring, and Thor yelling for you. Hulk let out a bellowing roar, and it shook you to your core. Then groaning and frantic panting.

"(Y/N)? Bruce quietly groaned your name, then turned to yells. "(Y/N)!"

You felt as if you had been laying there for centuries, when running footsteps approached you.

"(Y/N)! Bruce knelt down next to you, holding your head. He shirt was missing, ripped to bits more then likely from turning into Hulk, and pants in tatters. Tony and Thor came close, and following them was Natasha and Clint. "Why did you do that?" He asked. Darkness tugged at your fingertips, begging you to come join it.

"Bruce. I l-love...you. If I couldn't live with you, I sure as hell didn't want to live at all." Soon, the whole team was gathered around you, trying to give first aid. "Remember how we met?"

"Of course. I would never forget the first time I met the love of my life." He whispered. You smiled weakly, looking back to the sky.

"Tony?" You asked. He came close, and you whispered. "When I leave, if he turns into the Other Guy, tell him to remember me."

"(Y/N), don't talk like that. You're gonna make it." Tony said. You looked back over to Bruce, and took his face in your hand. He grabbed it and held on.

"Goodbye Bruce." You looked back into the stars, then into darkness forevermore.

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