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" LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME ( the butterfly effect) "
:09 ━━━─────●── 3:25
Volume: ■■■■■□□□

" RACE TIME" " LAY ALL YOUR LOVE ON ME ( the butterfly effect) ":09 ━━━─────●── 3:25Volume: ■■■■■□□□▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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was quiet, only observing the fresh cuts on Isabel's wrists. The young Monégasque moved his hand towards the hurt wrist of the Spaniard, but as he was just about to caress the cuts, a cold hand stopped him. Isabel met Charles' confused gaze as she, just like Charles did moments before, put her fingers to the Ferrari driver's lips. A gesture not to make him quiet, more so his mind. The petite girl's eyes started to water as she shook her head, unable to form words, let alone sentences to explain herself. Because her raw cuts on her wrist were just as raw as the truth.
"Please, I beg of you. Don't tell Carlos"
Was the last words she spoke before turning around, her tears racing each other down her sun kissed cheeks. Charles was stunned at her words, her cuts, her tears.

But before he was able to open his mouth to say something the young Sainz connected her lips with the Monégasque fairly pump lips. She didn't peck his lips, no the kiss was passionate, rough. Not really romantic, not for Isabel. It was only a form of escape. Charles could taste her salty tears on his lips, he was overwhelmed with all the emotions boiling over. The Ferrari driver ran a hand through the brunette locks of Isabel, his hand got tangled but for that moment it didn't matter as the other hand explored her dip in her waist. His hand didn't dare to explore any lower than her hip. Isabel held onto Charles' wide neck as she continued to dominate the kiss.

The rough kiss ended as soon as it had started. The young Spanaird was gone like the wind without letting the Monégasque catch his breath. He ran a hand through his hair, clearly confused by her actions. As he simultaneously removed some of the Spaniards pink lipstick on his lips.

Isabel rushed towards the podium ceremony again, running a hand through her diswhelled locks as she wiped her plump lips as an attempt to remove any smudged lipstick, yet the lips still were swollen leaving a visible trace of her actions. Isabel was in charge, no one else. She dominated the kiss  just like she would dominate the formula two season.

She celebrated the win of her good friend with yet another hug and chaste kiss on his cheek. Lewis had won many times before, the wins even started to become less significant, but when his gorgeous luck charm could be seen from all the champagne covering his eyes like a beacon radiating happiness he wrote the dates down on a paper, carrying it with him.

People saw him as a shallow person, many hating him just because he was the best, that he should stop winning. But if he would stop winning, he wouldn't get her attention for an entire evening. It felt wrong, he was a decade older than the young Sainz. Yet he couldn't help himself.

When the final seconds of Anthonie's life was captured with a dark camera lens, another lens also picked up a worried but yet smirking world champion. No one in their right mind wishes a crash upon any driver, but yet Lewis couldn't help himself to feel hope, when everyone else was engulfed by sorrow and darkness.

But unfortunately for the race winner, his most wanted prize was not within reach. She had her heart set on another, although unknown to the famous Hamilton it wasn't anyone Isabel could have again.

She had all of him.
Most of him.
Some of him.
Now, none of him.

And nothing could change the fact that her soulmate was buried six feet under, in a peaceful slumber. Without her.
"Take me back.." Isabel mumbled to herself as she caressed the somewhat wrinkled photo of them, together in the Spa paddock. His racing suit hanging low on his hip as his arms wrapped around the petite body of the brunette in a warm embrace she could only dream of feeling again. Moments before he jumped into his formula two car.
Isabel had been walking back, alone to the hotel since it wasn't too long of a walk from the paddock. The reason for it is that her brother and the rest of the drivers were out celebrating. She couldn't bear the thought of celebrating in such a grim mood. So it resulted in her walking alone with only her thoughts to keep her company. It was in these moments she missed having a close friend that was not a driver or someone involved in motorsport. Especially a female best friend, she had been lacking such a bond. Carlos tried his best to comfort and listen to his younger sister's rants about Anthonie, but frankly the older Spaniard didn't understand how she felt. No one really did, except her, Anthonie.

When she entered her luxurious suite, she fell straight onto the bed, not having the energy to do anything. She wanted to disappear and make the time stop. And when she let her mind wander, it dared to go back to the hot kiss she shared with a certain Monégasque, and his soft brunette messy hair. His ocean blue eyes that captured an entire life full of memories filled with emotion. She felt dirty for even thinking about betraying Anthonie, but she had to move on. Isabel knew that, but it felt like a sin for her to be truly happy again. He wouldn't, so why should she. The doe eyed Spaniard bit her lip, on the verge of drawing blood. Everytime she let her mind wander off, it would go back to him. Never her brother, father or her beautiful mom and sister. And not even Lewis that always had been there for her, or any other driver for that matter. No, just the Ferrari driver, racing a car as red as her blood she was all too familiar with seeing on her wrists. And in her own dreadful nightmares about the crash. Blood coagulating and running down the helmet design, ruining the tribute to his girlfriend.
"Why him?" she mumbled not being able to fall asleep even though she was lacking energy.

Unknown to sweet Isabel was that the young Monégasque was kept awake by the thought of her, and her passionate kiss, her tears and her eyes filled with so much life clouded by sorrow and trauma.
"Why her?" he mumbled
just like the young Spaniard.

'Why these unfaithful thoughts about my former best friend's ex- girlfriend?'

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