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"Lights are on (Tom Rosenthal)"
:09 ━━━─────●── 3:25
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
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❞ ISABEL! AY DIOS MÍO! ❞"Lights are on (Tom Rosenthal)":09 ━━━─────●── 3:25Volume: ■■■■■□□□feel free to commentTW: SUICIDE ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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❞ ɢᴏᴅ ꜱᴛᴏᴏᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜʏ ❞
❞ ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴ ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ'ꜱ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ❞

The instict of not to breathe underwater is so strong it overcomes the agony of running out of air. No matter how desperate, to face death or to survive; the drowning person does not inhale until he's on the verge of losing consciousness. While it is emontionally painful, it's also comforting. Hearing the water, and only the water stills your problems; and so called sins. They are cleansed when the water burns your lungs to the point where you just welcome the pain. It's a good pain, there is no fear. For you don't have the time to realize the end is near when you become unconsciouss.

Isabel thought it was finally time to face Anthoine. To embrace him. To feel his warmth. But instead she was met with ringning in her ears, matching the bright
Spanish sun beaming down on the fragile girl, now laying near the edge of the pool. Her chest and lungs wasn't only burning but it just merly hurt for the older brother had to preform CPR which resulted in a broken rib; thanks to the force needed to get her weak heart to yet again begin it's hard labor. She could merly see the tears racing eachother on her brother's cheeks, and his desperete calls for her to wake. "Manita! please, please. You don't get to leave us. We race togheter in this family, you don't get to be one lap ahead of us" Was the last thing Isabel heard before she fell unconsciouss again, her pulse weakning with her mind. But this time the brunette did not just see all black; for there was a light, more so like a dream. The fragile girl, could not yet reach it even though she was all too desperete. She got small glimpses of the dream but Isabel could not get a hold of it.

The sight of the frail figure of the youngest Sainz wasn't a pretty one. Her breathing tube, her IV's; just the mere state of the formula-two driver had even the toughest of them all weak at their knees. It had been four days, but she was still not responding. The water had been cleared from her lungs but yet; nothing.

The Sainz family stayed at the hospital as long as they could, her mother more than the rest of the family, accompined by the brother of the brunette. They didn't dare to think about If it was a mere accident or If it had been on purpose. The latter explaination was too scary to even think about; yet it was the one that made most sense. For Isabel never really liked water, she didn't like to get wet. And so who had to force her into the pool If not herself.

They didn't have to think about it for long, for the petite girl had awoken "Isabel! Ay dios mío!" she could not place the voice to a face for all she could see was the harsh light of the celing light of the hospital. After mere seconds of letting her eyes adjust; she was embraced, Isabel could smell the lavender. "Madre?" the fragile girl felt her mother nod against her shoulder. Her memories of her actions came flooding back like the water that had filled her lungs. "I'm sorry-I didn't.. I'm so sorry" was all Isabel could muster up. Which confirmed that the latter explaination, the nightmare; was true.

Several long days at the hospital, and more than one conversation about Isabel's mental stability and health she had finally convinced her family, perhaps mostly herself it would never happen again. That didn't mean she got to leave the hospital anytime that week, and so she was trapped in a plain room with nothing but her phone or a window with a quite awful view of the hospital parking lot. If you looked close enough the different people entering and leaving the hospital was quite entertaining, more so a wake up call. For every crying person she saw, the more air was knocked out of her lungs. But also the thought of her family leaving in such a state, also gave her a sense of clarity. A goal. A reason not to give in to her dark nightmare. For that crying family could have been hers. It would have been her own fault. She was selfish. Or so the brunette thought for no one is weak, only clouded by messy emotions; just like a storm. The ocean is beautiful, a treasure, it's only hidden by storms sometimes. And even then, it's an amazing sight to see.

One simple notice on her phone brought the doe-eyed girl out of her thoughts.
She had gotten quite a few dm's asking If She was alright or get well soon" text's which was quite concering. No one but her family knew of her being hospitalized. Or so she thought; one video cleared it all up. Perhaps it was more of an statement. And it was from low and behold; the formula one world, her brother had spoken about her being in the hospital in a interview on the media day, and it had gone viral. " It's going to be a tough weekend with my sister being in the hopsital, I just got a lot on my mind. But that won't stop me from scoring good points for Mclaren"
- Carlos Sainz
"Fucking great, now prema will be up my ass" Isabel could not help herself but to feel annoyed, betrayed If you will. The Spaniard would not only have even more attention drawn to her, She would have to deal with rumours, and handle he dreadful media. And as the cherry on the top of Isabel's hectic situation; Charles had sent her a dm. The brunette was hesitant towards opening it. She did not want to be showerd with pity for she had already gotten enough of it already. And there it was;

I'm sorry, I didn't know.
It has something to do with your wrist..? I don't want to assume things, Merdé I'm just worried.


The young Sainz could not be bothered to answer it at first, but It got her wheels turning inside her head." He knows, he knows, and I know he knows" Perhaps she had been wrong about the young Monéqasque, maybe he understod, felt more than she first had thought.

Perhaps she had to give him a chance.

You all matter. No matter what. And If you haven't heard it today; I am so proud of you. You bring me so much joy!

thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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