Chapter 1

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Hope Mikaelson

Hope is hiding away in her room like she has been every day since her father and uncle died. All of the surviving Mikaelson's are there, but Hope rarely sees them as the only time she does leave her room is when they force her to eat. Hope's family is becoming more worried by the day as every time they see her she has lost more weight, her eyes sunken in and bloodshot. Their lucky if they can get her to eat once a week even when they bring food to her it goes untouched sitting outside her door till one of them throws it out. Its a month shy of Hope's 16th birthday when Kellin drags her out of the compound and into the bayou. After pretty much forcing Hope to shift they ran through the bayou together the entire night. Luckily shifting had the desired affect Hope's family was hoping for. Even though she still didn't talk to anyone Hope was now coming out of her room at least once a day to eat. She was starting to look like her old self, while still not happy at least she was becoming healthy again. Other than shifting and running with Kellin nobody knew what caused the change in Hope that is until the morning of her 16th birthday came. Upon waking that morning Hope ate and went back to her room, but before she did she spoke for the first time in what felt like forever.

"I love you all, always and forever."

Her aunts and uncle looked to Hope in awe as they each responded. Hope gave them all a weak smile and left them. Little did they all know was that Hope was going back to her room only to kill herself and wake a full tribrid. Once in her room Hope sat on her bed, she had a blood bag in one hand and a bottle of pills in the other. With a sigh she set the blood bag down on her nightstand, spelled her door shut and locked before swallowing the entire bottle of pills. Laying back on her bed Hope could feel the drugs taking affect as her heart and breathing slowed. Her eyes drooped shut and soon she took her final breath. Hope laid dead in the room for five hours before gasping awake. After a second she took the blood bag, opening it and taking a tentative sip. She groaned in pain as the blood trickled down her throat, her fangs protruding from her gums, her eyes a swirl of gold and red as black veins form under them. Once her fangs have fully protruded out of her gums she brings the blood bag back up to her mouth quickly drinking the rest. Hope stays in her room for the rest of the day until she hears everyone is asleep before she quietly goes to grab another blood bag. Once in the kitchen she quickly starts to chug a blood bag, the feeling of the blood filling her mouth and coating her throat is heavenly. Being so focused on the blood Hope doesn't hear when her aunt Rebekah comes up behind her.

"Hope? What? Oh god please say you didn't?"

"Do what trigger my vampire side so I'm now a fully activated tribrid? Well sorry to break it to you, but yeah I did."

"But why Hope? You seemed to be getting better."

"I just did that so you all would get off my back so I could go through with transitioning. I mean its not like I have much to live for mom, dad, and uncle Elijah are all dead because of me. Everyone back at the Salvatore school now knows who I really am and more than likely hate me. I have no friends, I pushed everyone away before because I was lying about who I was and I'm not gonna make any friends now that they know. Its not like I'd want to anyways all I do is bring death to those closest to me!"

Hope is screaming now causing the rest of her family to wake and come see what is going on.

"What's going on? Are you okay kiddo?" Kol says as him and everyone else walk into the kitchen.

"No she isn't okay! She triggered her vampire side!" Rebekah shouts.

"What?!?" Everyone shouts at Hope not believing it at first.

"Would everyone just drop it! I'm going to bed." Hope growls, her fangs showing and black veins forming under her eyes again as she pushes through them.

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