Chapter 5:Shall we work together?

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Y/n was sitting in a class with a frustrated look on his face.While he sat there a dopant could be causing trouble or worse, he was only still in school to try and keep his identity a secret however somethings soon made y/n pay attention to the teacher.

Teacher:I'm sure a lot of you heard the news about what happened yesterday.

Random student 1:Yeah I heard there was a real monster attacking the town.

Random student 2:Yeah and then a real life super hero showed up and stopped it.

Random student 3:I heard Asia from class 2B saw him up close.

Random student 1:I wonder what it was like.

Soon enough the students and teacher all began talking about the so called monster and the superhero that saved their town from the monster.Hearing all of the people around him talk about how y/n had ended up saving some of their friends and family gave the boy a strange feeling that he couldn't describe.Just before class ended Kiba yuuto entered the classroom.

Kiba:Pardon me but I was sent here to retrieve Y/n L/n could I take him with me?

Teacher:Well I don't see why not.

Y/n stood up and walked out of the room with Kiba

Random girl:WOW the former ace athlete is with the Prince!

Random girl 2:What do you think they're up to~

On that odd note the two set off towards the orc.While they walked y/n could almost feel Kiba staring at him.They didn't speak a word for their whole walk.


The pair arrived at the orc.When he entered the room Rias smiled at y/n.

Rias:I'm glad to see your wounds have healed.

Y/n:If your bishop didn't get in the way I won't have been injured.

Issei:HEY there's no need to be a je—

Y/n:Is there some reason I'm here?

Rias:Why yes.I'd like to know how it is you're fighting against the dopants.That device you had around your waist seemed to let you control a Gaia memory without the negative effects.What is it?

Y/n:None of your busine-

Shroud:I call it the accel driver.

Y/n looked back to see that shroud had mysteriously appeared yet again.

Shroud:You are correct, it allows y/n to use the accel memory's full power without the negative effects or needing to become a dopant.

Rias:Interesting.I don't believe I've met you before.

Shroud:You may call me shroud.

Rias:How is it you're involved with y/n?

Shroud:I suppose you could call y/n my errand boy for the time being he is retrieving the gaia memories for me and in exchang—

Y/n:If she's here then I have to reason to be.

Y/n said as he began leaving the club.

Shroud:Where is it you're going?

Y/n *far away*:To find the two dopants that escaped.

Once y/n was far enough away rias decided to ask shroud a question that had been on her mind for a while now.

Rias:Excuse me ms shroud but how exactly did y/n get involved with all of this?

Shroud:I don't think he would like if I told you but I will anyway.The man who stole the Gaia memories from me and is currently giving them out is the same man who murdered y/n's family.


Shroud:That's the reason he's so dead set on retrieving all of the memories, he wants to defeat all of the dopants in hopes it will lead him to the mastermind.

The orc were all surprised by this news.None of them were particularly close to Y/n but they thought they would have noticed some change in Y/n.

Rias:Why did the man responsible kill
y/n's family?

Shroud:That is a story for another time.For now I think it would be best for everyone if we agreed to work together.I doubt y/n will be capable of defeating every dopant single handedly.

Rias:I agree.

The two shook hands as a sign of their new alliance.


The orc was in their club room thinking about all the information shroud had told them.

Rias:We should send someone to keep an eye on Y/n.

Asia:Um excuse me rias but could I do that for you?

Rias:Oh? Are you sure asia?


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